Why Him!

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It was a pretty normal day in class 1-A well as normal as it can be. Mr. Aizawa lazily walked into the classroom with a tired look on his face.

" Good morning problem children."

Good morning." The class replied.

" Ok, so today will be a little different from what we usually do."

The class titled their heads in confusion, what could they possibly be doing?

" Since we all know each and every one of you has been through a lot, and with the assignment, we will be expressing it with music. You will be writing a song about you feel with a partner then you will be present it to the class."

Midoriya raises he hand. " Um if we're expressing our own emotions why have a partner?" He asked.

" So we can save time on presenting and also for support because were using instruments and singing," Aizawa replies.

Midoriya nods he head.

"Any further comments?"

The class shake their heads in response.

"Ok, time for partners and no you may not switch partners," Aizawa said sparing a glance at Bakugou.

" Aoyama and Mina, Asui and Iida, Uraraka and Orjiro, Kaminari and Kirishima, Koda and Sota, Shoji and Jiro, Sero and Tokoyami,Katsumi and Todoroki, Izuku and Hagakure, Momo and Mineta."

Mineta already had a greasy look on his face, that overgrown grape. You could see the dread on Momo's face knowing she has to work with Mineta.

"Oi! Why do I have to work with the broken freezer." Katsumi said while glaring at Aizawa.

"Like I said you may not switch partners, and sit back down Katsumi," Aizawa said while giving Katsumi an annoyed look.

Katsumi sat back down with a scowl on his face clearly agitated from the other situation.

Todoroki on the other hand was unfazed but he did speak up.

"Why must I work with Bakugou wouldn't it be better if katsumix works with Kirishima and I Midoriya?" Todoroki said.

" It is what it is, get over it you two," Aizawa said while rolling his eyes.

"You have two weeks to complete this project," Aizawa said while sparing a look at each of his students.

This is gonna be a long day...


Hello! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I will be posting a least once or twice a day since it's summer. It's burning in my room I feel like melting. Other than that see you on the next page!

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