"Family Dinner"

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Today is the day! The Bakugou and Todoroki family are finally gonna meet each other, after the not so formally announcement of their relationship, it was only right for the family to get to meet each other.

Mitsuki prepared a lovely dinner with a vast variety of dishes all for them to enjoy. The table was set by Katsumi bringing out the good china plates, and his father practicing what he was gonna say when they got there.

Everything was ready to go and looked gorgeous.

" Lovely to meet you Endeavour," Masuru said opening the door for the Todoroki family.

"As well you to..." Endeavour said coldly walking into the living room.

"The dining room is right this way," Mistuki announced smiling weirdly trying not to smack the hero on the head for the rudeness in his voice.

Once everyone was all seated awkward stares were shared around the room. Fuyumi spoke up saying this " The food looks amazing!" She says with a bright smile on her face, she goes in to take a bite and her eyes get wide with amazement.

"The is... marvelous" She shouts stuffing more food in her mouth.

"Woah come down there it can't be that good," Natsuo smirked and then took a bite of his food as well.

"Never mind" He explained happily shoving more food in his mouth.

"I'm glad you like it so much," Mitsuki said smiling warmly at the two.

The conversation started to flow much more easily around the room each person talking about their own interest even the number 1 hero Endeavour joined in on the conversation a few times.

Underneath the table,Katsumi and Todoroki were having some type of feet war trying to see who make the other lose balance.

"Soo Katsumi are you finally gonna finally talk about this boyfriends situation?" Mitsuki said with an evil smile on her face

Katsuki head whipped up to look and her then looking back and Shoto nervously.

"Sure why not you mom," Katsumi said playing with his food.

"Ask any question you want," Shoto said kicking Katsumi shin playfully.

Katsumi just nodded and shoved Shoto ankle with his foot.

"When do you guys start dating?" Natsuo asked with food still in his mouth.

Katsuki thought for a moment she really never thought to count. Shoto then spoke up and said,

"We've been dating for 6 months," Shoto said noticing his partners confusion.

"We have?" Katsuki says surprised they have been dating for half a year.

More questions were asked around the room all of them answered by Shoto or Katsuki. One question caught them off guard especially from this person

"Did you say I love you yet?" - Number 1 Hero


Hey guys! Sorry, this chapter took long to post! This is the second last chapter so this book is coming to an end, I have more books that will be out soon I just have to write them-

Other than that see you on the next page! :)

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