King Of Roasting

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Soon enough it was a full-on roaste battle between the whole class.

Watch the video to see how it went! ( Katsumi wins in the end just for the plot)

Feelings were hurt

Ego was destroyed and in the end, Katsumi finished them all with the thing they hated about themselves most.

The classroom looked like a crime scene with Katsumi was the only one standing. Aizawa finally woke up to see fallen students all over the floor.

" Katsumi! what the heck happen here!?!" Aizawa yells

"I won the battle,"she said with his head down

"What battle?! What the heck did you do to your classmates!" Aizawa says while looking harshly at Katsumi

"I roasted the hell out of them, and I don't regret it," Katsumi says with a smirk on his face

"I have never been hurt so much in my life," Momo says while standing up.

" She roasted up like we were some kind of toast," Kaminari says muffled because his face was still in the ground.

"Roasted is an understatement she burned us alive," Kirishima says

" I have never seen such unruly behaviour in my life! You came for our throat without any second thought!" Iida says while doing that chopping thing with his hands.

You could hear Deku crying in the background while all of this was happening.

"You did not have to come after me being poor Momo," Urarake says dramatically while putting her hand on her forehead.

"And my dances moves are not like seizures Mintea!" Mina screamed

The class was in full-on laughter from the event that happens just a few minutes ago.

"We should do this again later, oh and Katsumi your on!" Sero says while smiling widely.

"I now name myself the roasting champion! Bow to me peasants!" Katsumi says while raising one hand.

"Yes, King of roasting." The class say as they all bow down which ended in more laughing and giggles.

Aizawa gave a small smile

" What I'm going to do with you, problem children."


Part 16 is out! I'm sorry I haven't updated in 2 days I got carried away reading fanfiction. I will be updating my other book today to so be ready for that. Other than that see you on the next page!

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