I don't need to tell you anything

841 28 27

Todoroki POV

We finally got out of the classroom and headed to the cafeteria. I got cold soba as usual and Katsumi got spicy curry with extra hot sauce. I don't even know how she could eat that thing.

We part are separate ways her going to the "bakusquad" and I the "dekusquad".

Midoriya, Iida, and Uraraka were eating with each other talking about the singing project. I sit down to join them and they stop talking to looking at me.

"Um hi Todoroki-Kun," Uraraka says awkwardly

"Greeting Todoroki," Iida says

"Hey, Todoroki-Kun!," Midoriya says

"Hey," I replied to them while looking at my soba

" Todoroki-Kun... what's gonna on with you and Kacchan?"

"What there nothing going on between us," Why would they want to know?

"Well, you were late to class together... and it looks like you were about to kiss her when we came to bring you back the dorms," Uraraka says

I feel my face heat up. I guess they did notice I was about to kiss her,

"It's none of you of your concern of what's going on between us," I said harshly

They seemed to be taken back about what I said, what? It's not their place to ask.

" Todoroki we're your friends you tell us anything," Iida says as he gives me a warm smile.

I don't really know what's going on between me and Katsumi, I think we're friends but she makes me feel so important and I have so much fun with her. He makes me feel so warm a fuzzy I don't think friends do that to each other, I think she's a little more to me. She keeps me up and night as I think about what her ash-blond hair would feel like, or staring into her ruby-red eyes. Holding her hand as we walked down the street.

"I don't need to tell you anything," I say while finishing up my soba. I feel their eyes on my back as I walk away

Sometimes people just don't know what to say.

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