I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker (With Flowers In My Hair)

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10th June 2019

"Why don't you tell her, they shout to me,

Share the feelings that are running deep."

"I don't see her?" Jaxon squinted at the hotel building. "This time someone get her god damn number," he grumbled.

I shook my head. He was more excitable than Teddy; an overgrown kid in the body of a twenty-two year old.

"You need your eyes checked, she's right there." I pointed out.

Kotori chuckled as we watched Evie shrug away from the wall and head towards us.

"How'd she do that? I swear she wasn't there five seconds ago." Jaxon gaped, but we just ignored him. With the hyper mood he was in, it was no wonder he was missing things.

"So you promise this isn't just an elaborate plan to kidnap me?" Evie chuckled, but was eyeing us with critical eyes.

Kotori crossed his arms. "You can trust us."

And it was hard not to believe Tori. I could see his heartfelt words made Evie relax.

There was just something about his presence that spoke of protection and honesty.

"Well...okay... led the way." She fell into step with Jaxon, her bag strapped tightly over her body.

"So where is Hazel?" Evie asked.

"She's on shift at the hospital today." Kotori supplied in his usual clipped tone.

"And Alexa, that's Sam's girlfriend, is visiting her parents in L.A. So I get to enjoy another Alexa free day." Jaxon danced on the spot, making Evie laugh.

"I'm guessing there's bad blood there?" She looked between me and Jaxon as he shrugged.

"We have a difference of opinion on religion."

All of us stopped to look at him. As far as I was aware, there wasn't a speck of Alexa that could have been described as religious. And Jaxon had become disillusioned when he was a teenager after his parents had left.

He smirked at them all. "She thinks she's God and I disagree."

None of us could help it, we cracked up. Evie laughed so hard she had to hold her stomach, and even Tori snorted in his effort to remain his usual cool self. For my part, I laughed with them. It was perhaps one of the more apt descriptions of my girlfriend, who was more akin to getting everything she wanted than not.

"She can't be that bad?" Evie reasoned, but Jaxon was already shaking his head.

"You'll undoubtedly meet her at least once this week so you should reserve judgement until then." Tori spoke before Jaxon could spill into a tirade about how much she irritated him.

Evie blinked and looked up at Tori with a surprised face before it morphed into something similar to devilish delight.

"Then I'm definitely looking forward to it."

Tori looked away, smirking whilst Jaxon high fived her.

"Okay, that's enough roasting of my girlfriend. We're almost here, anyway," I grumbled.

Jaxon took Evie's hand and dragged her forward, thoughts of my girlfriend now far from his mind.

"If his criticism annoys you so much you should stick up for Alexa."

Tori's voice broke into my mind as I realised I'd been staring after Jaxon and Evie.

"What?" I tore my eyes away from them to look at Tori, who just frowned at me.

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