Is This Love

38 5 0

24th July 2021

"Do you think everything is alright?" Jaxon vibrated with energy as he glanced around the quickly filing room.

"It's perfect," Hazel assured him.

"It'll be a waste of three hours and a buffet if it wasn't," I said, earning myself a glare.

"I'm just going to check on a few things." Jaxon moved off without waiting for a response, and Tye sighed.

"He's been really worked up over this," he said to me.

"I know. He's been more... excitable than usual," I added.

"I'd better go and try to keep his feet on the ground."

We watched Tye head after Jaxon.

"I wish he would relax," Hazel sighed, rubbing her rounded stomach.

"He will...eventually," Tori said, hugging her from behind. "But don't forget this night is about you."

"And you." She was quick to remind him. "I didn't get this way by myself." She chuckled.

"Let's not bring that up with your Nanna around." Tori grimaced whilst I laughed at his uncomfortable expression.

"I'm just going to check on the food." She marched towards the buffet with a determined air.

"Cravings," Me and Tori said at the same time.

It had started slowly; some coleslaw on pizza, nothing crazy. But now we were up to chocolate-covered pickles. The more disgusting the food, the more Hazel seemed to crave it. It had come to something that I could no longer sit opposite her when we ate.

The room filled whilst I chatted with the arriving guests. We were all gathered for a sort of baby shower, though since Hazel didn't have that many girlfriends it was a real mix match of people.

My entire family had come - including my new baby niece - along with Hazel and Jaxon's Nanna and Tori's family. There were a few of Hazel's friends from work, and various orchestra members dotted around as well.

We had easily filled the little bar.

A random girl waving at me made me break into Jaxon's and Tori's conversation.

"Hey isn't that the girl from Tye's beach clean up team?"

What was it? Laura? Leah?

I'd actually become a regular on Tye's beach clean-up crew, but had seen little of her since my performance on the beach back all those months ago. There was something about the beach that just seemed to bring me back to life after a frustrating week.

"Yeah, Leah...she's actually a friend of Hazel's." Jaxon spoke, rushing over his words.

"Since me and Hazel are going to be pretty busy tonight, would you look after her? She doesn't know many people here," Tori asked.

I was reluctant but I couldn't say no. "I guess."

"Perfect. Leah!" Jaxon called over.

I wasn't happy with my new baby sitting duties but I plastered a smile on my face. There was nothing wrong with Leah, but she could be a little insistent the few times Tye paired us up; bombarding me with questions.

"Hey guys, looks great in here," she said, making Jaxon swell with pride.

He - being the over achiever he really was - had spent the last three hours decorating the place in blue and pink streamers. Since Hazel and Tori had never found out about their baby's gender, it was the best colour scheme he could do, despite complaining about how much the two colours clashed.

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