It's My Life

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7th August 2021 (continued)

"Wait, I need to tell Darcy that I'm leaving." Evie tugged me aside.

"Okay, you do that, and I'll let my friends know. Meet you out front?" I didn't think; I leaned forward and placed my lips on hers.

It wasn't until I was standing in front of my friends that my actions caught up with my over-stimulated brain.

"Hey Sam, cleared your head?" Jaxon asked, his mouth bursting with food.

My mouth popped open, and I began stuttering like an idiot.

"Quick Tori, I think Sam's having a stroke. Sam, can you raise your arms? Sam, raise your god damn arms," Jaxon cried before Tori pushed him aside.

"Shut up, you idiot. Sam, what's going on?"

"I-I didn't think I just did it." I was so stupid. She didn't remember a thing about me and I went and kissed her. She was going to think I was some type of pervert.

"Did what?" Tori put his two hands on my shoulder, forcing me to look at him. "We can't help if you don't tell us."

"I kissed Evie. I didn't even think about it. She was just in front of me and I did it." I screwed my eyes shut.

"So?" Jaxon peered at me over Tori's shoulder.

"So? So she's going to think I'm a real weirdo is what," I snapped.

"She's not going to think that, Sam." My eyes popped open at Hazel's voice. "She's going to think you like her and if she likes you too then no harm done."

"And what if she doesn't?"

"Only one way to find out." Tye pointed out.

"Where is she?" Tori asked, his head looking around but not spotting her.

"I said I'd meet her out front, we're sort of escaping."

Hazel clutched at her chest. "Aww how romantic."

"Ah, so what are we all doing here?" Jaxon sprinted towards the side of the house before anyone could stop him.

"You'd better catch up with him before he really scares her off," Tori joked, but I had already taken off after him.

I skidded to a stop when I saw her waiting out front for me, Tony and Darcy next to her. Her smile was wide when she saw me, and my worries dissipated.

"You're sure about this?" Dracy asked, not as quiet as she'd hoped, when she noticed me looking.

Evie's eyes met mine. "I'm sure." She turned back to her assistant. "Besides, you deserve one night off from babysitting me. I'll be fine. Go have some fun."

No one could fail to see Darcy's quick glance at Tony, no matter how discreetly she made it.

"I'll have the car pick you up in two hours," Darcy said.

Evie frowned, but before she could say anything Tori came to her rescue.

"I can take her wherever she needs to go when she's ready." He passed his valet ticket to the attendant.

It appeared my friends were also in on the escape plan.

Darcy pursed her lips, turning to Tony since he knew us better.

I could see Tony internally assessing the situation. "She's in your care; anything happens it's on your heads, understand?" Sounding like every inch the worried father, even though he was only thirty-one.

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