
37 5 1

7th August 2021

I looked at myself in the mirror and scoffed. The shirt was all wrong.

I undid a few buttons before pulling it over my head and tossing it aside.

"What the? It's like a demolition zone in here," Jaxon complained, looking around my ruined room.

He raised his eyebrows at my undressed appearance. "I was going to ask if you were ready but I'm thinking that answer is no."

I scowled as he chuckled. I turned my back on him, rummaging in my wardrobe before sighing and flopping on my bed.

"I have nothing to wear," I complained.

"You're overthinking this, Sam," Jaxon said, walking forward and looking through my wardrobe.

"So we ready..." Tori trailed off when he entered. "Do I even want to know?"

I lifted my head and spotted him edging towards my discarded clothes. "I can't decide what to wear."

"Never." He rolled his eyes.

Jaxon turned back to me. Something hidden behind his back. "Do you trust me?"

"No," I said without a beat.

He pouted but held out one of my favourite t-shirts. It was navy blue with a black pentagram over the pocket.

"It's not dressy enough," I said.

"You don't like dressy, anyway." Pointed out Tori, already making a neat pile for the clothes he was folding.

"But this is the first time I'm supposed to be meeting Genny face to face, shouldn't I be dressed up?" I hedged.

Tori shrugged, but Jaxon was the one who answered me.

"I don't think so. I mean you've got to be yourself as well."

"What the awkward Sam who's not sure what he feels for Genny whilst still being in love with Evie," I asked sarcastically.

"Exactly." Jaxon beamed at me. "Now get dressed, we're leaving in five minutes with or without you," he warned, throwing the shirt to me and dragging Tori away.

I could still hear Tori complaining about my rumbled clothes in the hallway. I was sure that if I didn't tidy them away when I got home, he'd sneak back into my room and fold every item. He was just good that way.

"Four minutes, Sam," Jaxon shouted, spurring me into motion.

I threw the shirt on over my head and rolled up the sleeves. My ripped skinny jeans and white sneakers finished my less than polished look. I lifted a hand to my curls and contemplated trying to do something with them. Images of slicked back hair slid through my mind before I shut them down.

I had neither the time, equipment nor skills to do anything more with them.

With one last resigned look in the mirror, I met everyone downstairs.

It seemed too soon we were pulling into the cinema car park. I was wedged in the back of the car with Jaxon and Tye, whilst a pregnant Hazel enjoyed a comfortable ride in the front with Tori.

There was a small amount of relief when we were finally there, but my nerves weren't disappearing.

"Geez Man, chill," Jaxon grumbled as my shaky leg knocked against his.

"Sorry," I spat out, not too kindly. I sighed. "I'm just a little apprehensive," I said in way of an apology.

"We know." Tori patted my back. "But it's not like you've never talked to Genny before. You've texted today," he reminded me.

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