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year: 2027jessie: 26 years oldbillie: 25 years oldjackson: 2 years old

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year: 2027
jessie: 26 years old
billie: 25 years old
jackson: 2 years old

j e s s i e

"bro, quit being so aggressive." i poked jackson's forehead.

he looked up at me from where he was coloring on my arm. "sorry, momma."

"you're okay, lil' man." i chuckled as i ruffled his hair.

he continued to color on my arm with a concentrated look on his face.

"jj! i'm home!" i heard billie shout throughout the house.

"i'm in the living room, princess!"

i heard her footsteps come towards us. once she reached, she looked down at where we were sitting on the floor, and she raised a brow.

"what are y'all doing?"

"i'm coloring, mommy." jackson stated as if it was obvious.

"yeah, billie, he's coloring," i backed him up with a grin. "he's being an artist." i said 'artist' in a shitty french accent.

she shook her head with a small laugh. "i love you."

"i love you too." i grinned even wider.

she bent down, and she looked at jackson from where he was sitting in my lap. "wassup, buddy?"

he shrugged. "just coloring."

"yeah? can i see?"

jackson turned to me. "show her, momma!"

i moved my arm to show billie. jackson had been coloring in one of my tattoos, and for him to only be two years old, it didn't look too bad.

"it looks amazing!" billie complimented.

"really?!" his eyes lit up.

"yeah, of course, baby." she smiled as she ruffled his hair.

he cheered loudly, which caused me and bil to smile at him.

billie tilted her head at him once he calmed down. "what did you and momma do today?"

"she got me new toys! wanna see them?!" he asked excitedly.

"yeah!" she matched his energy.

"i'll go get it." he nodded.

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