t w e n t y - o n e

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year: 2025 - jj's pregnancy jessie: 24 years old billie: 23 years old

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year: 2025 - jj's pregnancy
jessie: 24 years old
billie: 23 years old

b i l l i e

i rolled over in bed, reaching out to cuddle with jessie, only to be met by emptiness on her side of the bed. i frowned, but it didn't last long as i smelt food being cooked.

i laid in bed for a few, short moments before i got up to use the bathroom and do my morning routine. once i finished up with that, i walked to the kitchen.

when i entered the kitchen, i spotted jessie in front of the stove. she was cooking our favorite breakfast as she hummed halley's comet to herself. i couldn't help the smile that grew on my face at the sight of my wife.

my very pregnant wife, may i add.

i walked up behind her, and i rested my chin over her shoulder as i wrapped my arms around her. i placed my hands over her belly, which was stopping her from standing as close to the stove as she usually would. i kissed her shoulder.

"good morning, baby," i murmured, a sleepy rasp still in my voice.

"good morning, princess," the cutest smile formed on her lips as she turned to face me. "how did you sleep?"

"i slept good," i buried my face into her neck. i smiled against it as i rubbed her belly and asked "how did you and baby sleep?"

"as well as we could; he kept kicking all night," she frowned.

as if on cue, he kicked. i smiled as i felt it.

i've felt it countless of times by now, but it will always feel surreal... like, that is our baby.

"well, at least you don't have to be uncomfortable at night for too much longer..?" i tried to sympathize.

she let out a small huff. she continued cooking, but she stopped as she gasped and looked at me; her eyes were quickly tearing up. my brows furrowed.

"what? are you okay?" i started to panic.

"you were supposed to be in bed still! i was gonna give you breakfast in bed," she pouted. a tear started to slip down her cheek.

"hey, calm down," i murmured as i swiped the tear away with my thumb. "it's okay; we can still have breakfast in bed," i gave a reassuring smile.

"you promise?" she sniffled.

"yes, i promise, my love," i cooed as i wiped away another tear. "you're so precious. i love you a lot; you know that, right?"

she nodded, a prominent pout still on her lips. "mhm. i love you a lot too."

i cupped the side of her head as i gave her a sweet kiss. i kissed the tip of her nose as well.

about five minutes later, she gasped again. "i have to pee. will you watch the food while i do?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2022 ⏰

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