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year: 2021 - alternate ending to chapter 40jessie: 20 years oldbillie: 19 years old

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year: 2021 - alternate ending to chapter 40
jessie: 20 years old
billie: 19 years old

b i l l i e

four months. it's been nearly four months since i've seen jessie in person, been in her presence, held her hand, kissed her. it's been three months since i've heard her voice and contacted her directly.

that changes today.

it's the day of ivy's birthday party, and i know that i'm going to at least see jessie today. if we talk today, it's up to her.

i looked into the mirror, buttoning my shirt up. jessie loves when i wear button up shirts.

i'm nervous beyond belief.

hopefully she's gotten better and wants to still be with me. hopefully she's not reliant on anything or anyone but herself.

i sighed, fixing my hair. i then grabbed my phone, sending ivy a text that i would be there in twenty minutes. i grabbed my keys, heading outside to my car.


"what's up?" i asked as i stepped into ivy's arms for a hug. "happy birthday!"

"thank you!" she smiled.

"how does it feel to be twenty?" i asked as we walked through her house to the kitchen.

she shrugged. "weird. it kinda sucks though because i can't use 'i'm just a teenager' as an excuse anymore."

i rolled my eyes. "dumbass."

she grinned as we walked into the kitchen. i grabbed a water bottle.

"how are you, bil?" she questioned.

"i'm good," i sighed. "i'm scared as fuck though."

"i honestly don't think you have anything to worry about," she assured. "i talked to jj earlier and she seemed like she's a lot better."

that's a good sign.

my eyes widened. "she's here already?"

she nodded. "yeah, she was, like, one of the first people here actually."

i raised an eyebrow. "for real?" she nodded again. "what did y'all talk about?"

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