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year: 2044jessie: 43 years oldbillie: 42 years oldjackson: 19 years oldleo and iris: 16 years old

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year: 2044
jessie: 43 years old
billie: 42 years old
jackson: 19 years old
leo and iris: 16 years old

j e s s i e

"momma, what were you like as a teenager?"

i looked up from where i was playing the latest nintendo handheld console. my brows furrowed as i saw iris, leo, jackson, and ximena all looking at me expectingly.

"why?" i asked.

"i'm curious," iris explained. "i just wanna know."

the rest of them all said "me too."

"okay," i chuckled. "well... depends on if we're talking about before or after i met your mami. i was a completely different person before i met her."

"before." they answered.


i set the nintendo to the side. "where do i even start?"

with as serious as a face i could muster, i looked at all of them and said "i was a whore."

the twins both looked shocked, jackson laughed loudly, and ximena reached out to fist bump me as she exclaimed "i know that's right!"

i bumped my fist against her's with a small laugh. "nah, for real though; i was. i mean, i was hot as hell when i was in high school, and uh... i was experienced in certain areas."

"momma!" iris gasped.

"what?! i was!" i defended. "i was also mean; i was an asshole, bro. i was also always doing shit i shouldn't have been doing."

"like what?" leo inquired.

"i got detained one time."

they all gasped.

"what?!" jackson asked loudly. "tell us more, the fuck?!"

"y'all really wanna know?" i looked between the four of them.

"is that even a question, mrs. j?" ximena raised a brow.

"okay. i was in my sophomore year of high school. i had went out to this abandoned field with these guys who i was friends with at the time. now, keep in mind, these guys were, like, this fucking tall." i stood up on the couch to gesture, though i held my hand at about seven foot tall.

by now, they had all gathered on the floor in front of the couch. they were all sitting crisscrossed as they leaned forward to look at me, clearly interested in my story.

i sat back down. "so, we're at this field, right? well, we had this brilliant plan to spray paint this old, abandoned train. so, me and the guys were spray painting it. they literally all painted dicks, while i was doing actual graffiti." i scoffed dramatically.

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