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year: 2028jessie: 27 years oldbillie: 26 years oldjackson: 3 years oldleo and iris: newborn

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year: 2028
jessie: 27 years old
billie: 26 years old
jackson: 3 years old
leo and iris: newborn

j e s s i e

"are you ready for jackson to come in here, princess?" i asked billie as i combed her hair out of her face for her.

she looked up at me from where she had been looking at leo with the most loving expression on her face. he was now sleeping peacefully on her chest. momma maggie was currently holding iris, while finneas waited outside with jackson.

"yeah," she gave a small nod. "how do you think he's gonna react?"

"he's definitely going to be excited," i chuckled as i thought about all the times he talked about how excited he is for the twins to be here over the past nine months.

"for sure," she agreed.

i bent down, and i pressed a kiss to her forehead. she gave a sleepy smile as i did.

these past fourteen hours have been a lot, especially for billie. i don't blame her for being tired at all.

i seriously thought she was going to break my hand from how hard she was squeezing it earlier.

i guess it's kinda payback for when i gave birth to jackson though, because i definitely squeezed her hand pretty hard as well...

i walked out of the room we were in, and i walked to where finneas and jackson were waiting patiently. as soon as jackson saw me, he jumped out of finny's lap and ran over to me.


"hey, lil' man!" i wrapped my arms around him as he crashed into them. i picked him up and rested him on my hip.

"hi, momma! are they here yet?! are they here?!" he asked excitedly with the biggest grin on his face.

"yeah, they're here," i smiled. "are you ready to meet them?"

"yes! yes! yes!" he chanted as he quickly nodded his head.

i giggled, and i kissed the side of his head. "they're ready to meet you too."

"really?!" his eyes widened.

"mhm," i hummed. "they are."

i started walking back to the room billie was in. finneas followed us.

when we walked back into the room, i saw that billie had moved over some in the bed to allow room for jackson to sit. when she saw that we walked in, she patted the space beside her.

i brought jackson over, and i carefully sat him on the bed. he greeted billie with a kiss on the cheek before he peered into her arms to look at leo.

"he's so tiny," jackson gasped. he turned to look at billie. "why is he so tiny, mommy?"

she giggled. "he's a babyyy. you were this tiny too, when you were born."

his eyes widened. "i was?!"

"mhm," she confirmed.

"can i hold him?" jackson tilted his head. "pretty please, mommy?"

"yeah, of course," she nodded. "you've gotta be really careful though, okay? you gotta be gentle."

"i will, i will, i will!" he chanted as he beamed.

she placed leo in jackson's arms. she was extremely cautious as she did, and she made sure he was holding him correctly.

i smiled as i looked at the three of them. jackson was looking at leo with the biggest grin on his face, while billie was looking at the two of them with a soft smile and just so much love in her eyes.

i turned, and i saw that maggie was getting the moment on camera.

she's always taking pictures. i love it though.

my brows then furrowed because she was holding iris last. i looked around, and i relaxed as i saw that finneas was now holding her. claudia was peering over his shoulder to look at her.

"i wanna hold iris too! pretty please?" jackson requested.

i looked back over to see that he was no longer holding leo; billie was holding him again.

i looked back to finneas. he was pouting as he realized he wouldn't get to hold iris any longer.

"gimme my child, thank you," i gave a grin as i walked over to him.

everybody laughed. "why did you have to say it like that?" billie sighed.

my eyes widened as i quickly turned my head to look at her. "what was i supposed to say then?!"

"not that."

i let out a small huff, though smiled as i took iris in my arms. i cradled her for a moment before walking over to billie and jackson. i carefully placed her in his arms.

"they look the same," he said as he looked between iris and leo. "the exact same, momma!"

i laughed as i moved his hair out of his face. i bent down and kissed his forehead. "i know; they're twins, buddy."

he made an "o" shape with his mouth. his brows furrowed for a moment.

"they both pretty," he smiled. he looked at billie, then the twins, and back at billie again. "they have your eyes, mommy!"

"they do," she agreed with a laugh.

jackson's eyes soon widened though as iris started crying. he looked over to me, looking genuinely panicked. "uh... momma, help."

we all laughed at that. i gently took her from his arms and tried to calm her down.


"so... when are we having the other seven kids?" i asked billie teasingly as we cuddled together in the small hospital bed.

"we're not," she immediately shook her head. "i am never giving birth again, ever. fuck that."

i buried my face into her neck. "me neither," i giggled. "three kids will do."

"for sure," she kissed my head. "three kids is just enough."

i smiled against her neck. "i love you."

"i love you too, baby. and i love our lil' family," she murmured.

"yeah, me too. so much."


a/n my faves <3

can't remember who asked for this, but here you go 😁🤝

how are y'all doing? are y'all good?

is there anything else you wanna see?


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