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year: 2022jessie: 21 years oldbillie: 20 years old

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year: 2022
jessie: 21 years old
billie: 20 years old

j e s s i e

"you're so fucking hot."

i turned my head to look over my shoulder. i saw that billie had been watching me through the mirror that i was getting in front of. i flashed a smile, showing off my grillz.

"thank you, shorty."

i scanned her appearance. she was sitting on our bed, and she was leaning back on her hands. she was wearing a black button up shirt, paired with a pair of white pants. she had on air diors to go with it, along with her usual jewelry.

"you look gorgeous, as always." i complimented, then watched as she blushed.

"thank you, bubba."

"of course, my love."

i looked back to the mirror, looking at all of the jewelry i was wearing. billie had bought all of it, excluding our promise ring.

i was wearing the ring she got me for our first christmas together, as well as the bracelet she gave me to match her's. i had on the gold ring that she got me for our one year, which had the date we got together in roman numerals. to top it all off, i was wearing the cuban link chain that she got me for our first valentine's day together.

i met her eyes through the mirror. "you ready to go, cutie?"

she hummed as she nodded. i turned around and held my hand out for her's. when she placed her hand in mine, i helped her off the bed, then started to lead her out of our apartment.

of course though, we weren't able to leave before shiloh came running up to us. i smiled as i bent down to pet her.

"we'll be back soon." i murmured as i scratched behind her ear.

i pushed her back some before quickly pushing billie through the door and followed her. i pouted as i heard shiloh scratch at the door.

"i always feel so bad for leaving her."

"she'll be fine, baby." billie assured softly.

i let out a sigh before nodding. i then led her to the parking garage so that we could walk over to knight. as always, i opened her door for her, then waited until she had sat down completely before shutting the door.

on the way to the restaurant, i held her hand, and rambled on about how good the food at the restaurant is.

once we got there, i opened her door for her. i held my hand out for her's, then helped her out of the car.

we started walking to the restaurant, hand in hand. i looked a little ahead of us, and i saw a group of paparazzi.

"of fuckin' course there's paps." billie muttered.

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