f i v e

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year: 2020jessie: 19 years old billie: 18 years old

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year: 2020
jessie: 19 years old
billie: 18 years old

b i l l i e

i used the key that jessie had given me back in may to open her front door. once it was unlocked, i walked inside, shut the door behind me, then made my way downstairs to the basement.

once i walked down there, i noticed her sitting on one of the couches. she had her legs propped up, and a notebook propped on her legs as she drew.

she looked up once she heard me. her brows furrowed a bit, but then a smile spread across her face. "oh, hey, princess. what are you doing here?"

"kidnapping you for a few hours." i grinned.

she let out a small laugh as she placed her pencil between the pages of her notebook, then shut it. she placed the notebook on the cushion that was in front of the couch before standing up.

"yeah? where are we going?" she asked. she walked over to greet me with a kiss before she walked to her closet to pull on a pair of shoes.

"you'll see."

she turned to look at me, and she raised a brow. "oh, so it's like that, huh?"

"yep." i cheesed.

after she pulled her shoes on, she walked back over to me. she placed her hands on my waist. "can i just have a lil' hint on where you're taking me?" she questioned, giving me a few kisses as she did.

"mm," i pretended to think. "nope!"

"i tried." she sighed.

i grabbed her hand and interlaced our fingers before quickly pulling her upstairs. she let out a laugh as i did. once we made it to the first floor, i ran over to the front door to lead her outside.

"you're excited, so i'm guessing it's a good thing that you're taking me to?" she asked as i opened the passenger door of dragon for her.


i shut the door once she got in, then ran around to get into the driver's side.

"c'mon, you've got to tell me where you're taking me." she groaned.

"i definitely don't."

"this is torture not knowing."

"yeah, now you know how i feel every time you never tell me where we're going." i reached over to boop her nose.

"i love not telling you though 'cause you get all pouty, and it's really cute." she jutted her bottom lip out some.

i bit back a smile. "i love you."

"i love you too, cutie."


"what is this?" jj let out a mixture of a confused and surprised chuckle.

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