f o u r t e e n

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year: 2020jessie: 19 years oldbillie: 18 years old

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year: 2020
jessie: 19 years old
billie: 18 years old

b i l l i e

"baby," i murmured as i cupped jessie's cheeks. "we're gonna be okay."

in just fifteen minutes, i have to board a plane to auckland, new zealand. i'm starting my first tour tomorrow and i'm excited.

but that also means that i have to leave jessie for over three weeks, which i'm definitely not excited for.

"i know, i just... i'm gonna miss you." she mumbled as she avoided my eyes.

"i'm gonna miss you too. but we can text and facetime any time i have free time; we'll make it work, angel."

she didn't say anything, a frown still on her face. i furrowed my brows as i kept rubbing her cheekbones. "we'll make it work... right?"

"yeah, we will." she nodded.

"promise?" i raised a brow.

"i promise." she confirmed before pulling me closer to her. she held me tightly. "i'm just gonna miss you a lot... it's gonna be weird not being able to constantly kiss you and cuddle with you."

"such a softie," i teased as i kissed the side of her head. "i'll be back home before you know it though, okay? then we can cuddle and kiss as much as you want."

"yeah." she mumbled into my shoulder.

i stayed sitting in her lap as we waited for my flight to be called to board. i gently massaged her head and ran my fingers through her hair.

when my flight got called, she hugged me tighter, not letting me get up.

"baby," i frowned. "you gotta let me go."

"i want you to stay." she mumbled quietly as she buried her face into my neck.

"i know," i murmured. "but i gotta go."

she let out a sigh as she reluctantly let go of me. i stood up then held my hand out for her's. she placed her hand in mine and i pulled her out of her seat and into a tight hug.

"we're gonna be okay, alright? i'll be back home soon. we're gonna make this work." i reassured her.

"yeah, we got this." she mumbled, though she still didn't sound entirely convinced.

i pulled back and i frowned as i saw that her eyes had watered. "please don't cry, jj." i said softly, though i was trying not to cry too.

she's crying because of me.

"i'm not," she huffed as she forced a smile while bringing her arm up to wipe at her eyes. "c'mon, go be famous and shit, princess."

"i'm not leaving you here while you're crying." i shook my head.

"i'm not crying." she insisted. she looked up at the ceiling, obviously fighting back tears. "i'm good."

i brought her into another hug. it wasn't long before i felt her body shake a bit. i frowned as i held her tighter.

"i'm sorry," she apologized. "this is supposed to be a good thing for you, but i'm ruining it by being a fucking loser."

"stop that; you're not ruining anything," i told her. "listen, i love you, okay? this isn't gonna be that bad. we'll make it work."


she pulled back. i cupped her cheeks and wiped under her eyes. i pulled in for a sweet kiss. "i love you a lot, alright?"

"i love you too, pretty girl. more than you'll ever know." she told me before giving me another kiss.

"come on, billie, we've gotta go." i heard danny say from somewhere behind us.

while he wasn't looking, jessie sent him a glare.

her glare is so hot.

"i'll facetime you whenever i land, okay?" i told her after i told her to knock the glaring off. "wait— it's a thirteen hour flight, so you'll probably be sleeping, so—"

"call me anyways," she cut me off. "i'm not sleeping until i know that you've landed."

"mama, you need your sleep." my brows scrunched up.

"no. i'm not sleeping until i know that you landed safely. call me as soon as you land." she insisted.

"fine. but after that, you better sleep."

"i will. now, i love you, okay? go do your famous shit." she gave a sweet, but sad, smile.

the kinda smile you give someone when you feel like dying.

"i love you more. you're gonna be okay; we're gonna be okay." i assured her a final time.

"yeah, we will be." she nodded.

i gave a smile and gave her one last, final kiss before leaving to board my plane.

as soon as i sat down beside finneas, i leaned into his shoulder and broke down.


a/n i wish i would've put this as a prologue for 'overcome' because it really would've set the theme for it lol



any ideas for this?


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