t h r e e

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year: 2022jessie: 21 years oldbillie: 20 years old

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year: 2022
jessie: 21 years old
billie: 20 years old

b i l l i e

"but i wanna feel all the love and emotion! be that attached to the person i'm holding! someday i'll be falling without caution, but for now i'm only people watching!" me and jessie sang loudly as she drove around, her hand holding mine.

she pulled up to a red light and looked over at me. "i still can't believe you waited until, like, last year to tell me that you knew conan. and you didn't even let me meet him until last month!"

"it didn't cross my mind." i defended.

"bro, kid krow is literally my most streamed album, how did it not cross your mind?" her eyes widened, before she leaned over to give me a quick kiss as she corrected herself. "well, it's my most streamed next to your album and ep, of course."

"yeah, my shit better be your most streamed album." i teased.

"of course it is; your music is my favorite shit ever." she assured.

she looked forward as the red light turned green.

"oh, speaking of my music, i found this song i wrote back in, like, january of 2020 that i wanna show you when we get home." i told her.

"yeah? what's it about, princess?" she glanced over at me.

"it may or not be about you." i hummed.

i watched as her cheeks flushed.

"you write too many songs about me." she murmured. though she said this, she loves getting to see and hear the songs i write about her.

"i'm well aware." i smiled as i leaned over to kiss her cheek.


"here it is." i said as i handed jessie my notebook.

she took it and i watched as her eyes scanned over the paper. "halley's comet? that's a sick title."

"you think so?" i asked.

"of course." she nodded.

"it's not finished yet." i mentioned.

"it's still good." she commented.

a smile came across her face. "'i've been loved before, but right now, in this moment, i feel more and more like i was made for you,'" she read the lyrics with flushed cheeks. "you're so fuckin' precious."

she leaned down and pressed a kiss to my forehead. "i love you."

"i love you more." i argued as she set the notebook to the side before joining me on our bed.

"not possible." she murmured as she kissed me once. then again, and once more. she smiled at me as she pulled back. "falling in love with you was the best thing i've ever done."

she laid on top of me, wrapping her arms around my waist. she laid her head on my chest.

"i don't know why i was ever scared of falling in love; this shit's amazing."

"i love you." i repeated. it seemed like the only appropriate response. "falling in love with you was the best thing i've ever done too."

"thanks for putting up with me and all of my bullshit," she murmured. "i don't know how you haven't got annoyed by my ass yet, but i'm hella glad you haven't."

"i'd never, my love," i assured softly, then teasingly added "no matter how damn annoying you are."

"shut up," she mumbled, then let out a content sigh. "fuck, i love you."

"i love you too," i told her, then let out a soft laugh. "not that i don't love it, but where is all of this coming from, baby?"

"i can't just express how much i love you?" she scoffed playfully.

she then moved her hands so that they were now under my shirt and roaming my waist. "i could let you know how much i love you in other ways." she smirked.

her hands then stopped. "actually, on second thought... i'm tired as hell."

"annoying ass."

"you love my annoying ass though."

"damn right."

she laid there for a moment, before lifting my shirt up. she placed her head on my now exposed chest before pulling my shirt back over her head.

"what are you doing?" i laughed.

"boobies" is all she responded with.

she pressed a kiss to my boobs, then giggled.

"you are such a child." i shook my head.

"me loving titties does not make me a child." she huffed.

"you kissed my boob and then giggled," i deadpanned. "you're childish." i chuckled.

"am not." she mumbled.

"how are you even breathing in there?"


i rolled my eyes. "now when you suffocate in there—"

"um, being suffocated by titties sounds amazing, thank you very much." she scoffed.

she laid there for about ten more minutes before she pulled her head out from my shirt. her cheeks were red.

"okay, i think i might've actually died if i stayed in there any longer."

"what happened to 'being suffocated by titties sounds amazing?'" i raised a brow.

"i can't die yet; i gotta marry you first." she gave a cheesy smile.

"cutie." i grinned as she laid back down on my chest.

i raised my hand to gently massage her scalp. she let out a content sigh.

"i love you." she murmured.

"i love you."


a/n ayo

how are y'all doing?


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