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year: 2032jessie: 31 years oldbillie: 30 years oldjackson: 7 years oldleo and iris: 4 years old

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year: 2032
jessie: 31 years old
billie: 30 years old
jackson: 7 years old
leo and iris: 4 years old

j e s s i e

"c'mon, c'mon, c'mon!" both of the twins tried to pull my hands along with them. "¡darse prisa!"

translation: hurry up!

"i am!" i laughed. "calm down, my loves."

i bent down, and i scooped both of them up into my arms. they giggled loudly as i did.

billie is performing at some festival today. this will be only the second show of her's that the twins have seen, so they are understandably excited about it.

billie and jackson had left to go to it earlier than me and the twins did. i had to stay at home a little longer with the twins, because they thought it would be a good idea to have a water gun fight.... after i had spent twenty minutes getting them ready.

so after i had dried both of them off, and re-did iris and leo's hair, i spent another twenty minutes getting them dressed again.

so fun!

we had just arrived at the festival. it's still a bit before anybody performs, but there's already quite a bit of people here.

"where's mami? i wanna see mami!" leo leaned close to my face with furrowed brows.

"i wanna see mami too! she looks so pretty today!" iris grinned.

"she does look pretty today, doesn't she?" i agreed. "she looks pretty everyday. but do you two really wanna see her?!"

"yes! sí! sí! sí!" they chanted.

"well, if you wanna see mami, you gotta give me five besos each!" i told them with wide eyes as i made my way over to where billie had texted me to go.

"five?" leo's eyes widened. i nodded.

"¡¿cinco?!" iris asked.

"yes, baby; cinco besos," i giggled.

translation: five kisses.

i waited for a moment before they both started pressing kisses to my cheeks; leo kissed my right cheek, and iris kissed my left cheek. i counted as they did, and they cheered after they gave me the fifth kiss.

"we can see mami now!" leo exclaimed.

"that's right!" i grinned before walking into billie's green room. "here she is!"

both of the twins gasped as they spotted billie. billie turned to look over at us, and a big grin spread across her face. she bent down, and she opened her arms for them. i put them down, and they raced over to her.

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