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year: 2024jessie: 23 years oldbillie: 22 years old

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year: 2024
jessie: 23 years old
billie: 22 years old

b i l l i e

"you're so hot," jessie said as she looked at my outfit. "even with your lil' grass head wig."

"that was not necessary." i sent her a pointed look.

she laughed loudly. "i'm just messing, princess. for real though, i don't see why you're wearing one; your hair looks amazing."

"i'm just waiting to reveal it, sheesh." i huffed.

she playfully rolled her eyes. "i just think the wig is funny, that's all."

"yeah, is that why i woke up to you wearing it the other day?" i raised a brow.

her face flushed. "i thought we agreed to not bring that up."

"sorry, baby." i flashed an innocent smile.

she walked over to me. she leaned up on her tiptoes to kiss me. "it's not fair that you're wearing heels; you shouldn't be taller than me." she grumbled.

"i love it." i grinned.

"of course you do." she huffed with a slight pout.

i giggled before kissing her once more. after i did, we were told that we need to get going. i have to attend some event tonight.

i don't know, it's just celebrity people, celebrity peopling.

on the way there, i tied jessie's tie. she still can't tie it, even though she's been wearing them for years; she wears them on a lot of our dates and to most of my events that she comes to with me.

"what would you do without me?" i teased as i finished tying her tie.

"well, i'd be walking around with an untied tie."

i shook my head with a laugh before connecting our lips for a sweet kiss. "i love you."

"i love you more," she scrunched her nose up and closed her eyes as she gave a wide smile. "still can't believe you're my wife."

"me neither." i murmured before giving her yet another kiss.

when we got there, we were greeted by paps as we got out of the vehicle. jj wrapped her arm around my waist protectively as she pulled me a bit closer to her.

we were led over to an area where more paps could take pictures of us. jess kept her arm around my waist as they all kept calling for us to look our way.

"over here!"

"billie! jessie! look here!"

"look this way!"

"they sure aren't polite, are they?" jessie asked in a mumble under her breath.

i let out a giggle at that. as i did, i heard them start taking pictures more rapidly, trying to capture it.

"not really." i agreed.


it's a bit later. we're still at whatever event this is. we're sitting at one of the tables, along with finneas, claudia, and a few others.

mine and jj's hands were interlaced on the table. she was looking around the place, occasionally gushing over someone she saw; she does it every time she comes to an event with me. it's cute how shocked she gets when she sees someone famous.

"is that— billie!" jj's eyes widened as she quickly turned to look at me.

"what?" my brows furrowed.

"you didn't tell me ruby fucking rose was going to be here?!" she whisper shouted.

"i didn't know." i defended truthfully.

i watched as she turned back to look at ruby rose again. she stared back at her for a moment before turning back to me. she was obviously still shocked.

she cleared her throat. "just for the record... if she comes over here, me and you are not married; i don't even know you." she shook her head.

"now that was outta pocket." i sent her a look.

"it's ruby rose though!"

i mean, she has been crushing on her since she was, like, fifteen years old, but damn!

i sent her an unamused look. she quickly brought my hand up and kissed over my wedding band. "sorry, i'm kidding! you know i love you, princess!"

"i love you too." i rolled my eyes. i propped my head in my hand that she wasn't holding. "go talk to her, baby."

her brows furrowed. "what? talk to her?! i-i can't— i'm freaking out without talking to her! i'd, like, fucking pass out or something if i tried to talk to her, i—"

"go, mama," i cut her off with a giggle. "if you don't talk to her, you're always gonna regret it, and i'm not letting that happen. go talk to her."

"i'm nervous," she shook her head quickly. "at least come with me?"

"i thought we weren't married." i gave a faux pout.

she let out a small huff as she got up. she started to walk over there, but stopped and turned back around. "nope, i can't do it."

"yes, you can," i laughed. "go!"

she tried again, but walked back over to me. "gimme a kiss first."

i cupped her cheeks to pull her in for a kiss. "there, you big baby."

she jutted her bottom lip before finally walking over to ruby rose. i watched for a moment as they interacted. even from here, i could see that jj's cheeks were flushed. i shook my head with a laugh.

"i'm surprised you were so insistent on making jj go meet her." claudia teased with a giggle.

"ruby rose has been her celebrity crush for, like, eight years. i'd never here the end of it if i didn't let her go meet her." i explained with a chuckle.

i talked to her and finneas for a while before jj came back over to me. i raised a brow as she sat down beside me. "how did it go, mama?"

"she knew who i was," she said; there was still a shocked look on her face. "i mean, she only knew me because of you, but still. she congratulated me on our marriage and called me a cutie." she pouted.

i giggled. "see, it went fine. you had nothing to worry about."

she let out a sigh as she leaned back in her chair. "this is the second best day of my life," she claimed. "i don't think anything can beat the day we got married, but this is definitely a close second."



i keep procrastinating writing chapters for this book and getting distracted with my other books

my bad🧍‍♀️


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