Chapter Twelve: Club?

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Anyone that knows me knows, I love going out for dinner. I love other people making food for me, and if anyone in the world denys this, they are lying. Because, let's be real. If going out to dinner didn't exist, you would be eating microwavable meals 10/10 times. I know I would.

But the one annoying part about going out to dinner is the awkward conversations because everyone feels obliged to talk. Thats how it is when my family goes out to dinner.

My dad, being obnoxiously loud and annoying, usually already drunk and mad as hell. My mom, trying to keep the peace and my dad in check. My sister, pretending that nothing is going down and talking about whatever university course she's in at the time. Me, sitting there not really saying anything.

Sounds fun, right?

So yesterday, when we went with the De La Garza's I was excited that the awkwardness would disappear and everyone would just have fun and it would be a good time.

And it was a good time. We teased Dallas relentlessly about the hot waiter all night, who by the way, asked Dallas for her number. 

My mom was really happy, which was amazing becuase honestly, sometimes I worry about her. She has little to no social life, my sister is a butt sometimes, and my dad is my dad. So to see her laughing, eating out with friends it was really amazing to see.

Of course, there was the obvious empty seat in the booth, belonging to none other then Mr. Kelyn, who was god knows where. I saw both Dallas and Madison steal a few glances at the noticibly empty spot, but neither of them had anything to say about it. 

I was greatful, that maybe we could go an evening without stressing about dad, and I was doing a pretty good job at just relaxing and having fun, untill Eddie decided to start conversation with my mom. 

"So, Andrea, where is Ryan tonight? At the club?" Eddie asked, picking up his fork.

Maddie's forked clanged against her plate, her mouth dropping in shock at what her dad had said. Dallas's head whiped around to look at me, her eyes filled with apologies on behalf of her him. 

I sunk deeper into my chair, wanting just to vanish right then and there. I hate that any mention of my dad's name brings awkwardness to the conversation, literally because nothing good ever comes from it.

Eddie noticed everyone's apparent unease, dianna was sitting across beside him and was very obviosuly glaring at him. He looked around confused, "I was talking about the golf club? The one that he's a member at? Madison was telling me that he is quite the golfer."

I looked at madison, who just shrugged. This was true, my dad used to be way into golf. Before he quit the club and moved infront of the TV.

A slight blush formed on my mom's cheek, probably embarrased that my dad is so easily accosiated with a night club.

She cleared her throat, probably thinking that he quit the club and wondering if she should mention that detail.

"He's doing well, He's an early sleeper, so he couldn't make it tonight." She said through a tight lipped smile.

Eddie smiled a warm smile, "Good for him, I wish I could get to bed that early."

The conversation continued, but I stayed out of it, silent until we got back home. Normally, me and Maddie stay over at one of the houses, but tonight we both followed our families back inside our own houses. 

And I got into bed. 

And I've been obsessing about that club comment ever since. 

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