Chapter Fourteen: Bedazzle

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"MADDIE!" I yelled, closing the screen door behind me.

It was the last day of summer. Tomorrow would be Maddie's first day at my school, and I'm 90% sure that she's kinda excited, even if she won't admit it.

I'm not, don't get me wrong I'm so excited that Maddie is gonna go to my school, but I feel like some people aren't going to be excited that she's going. I haven't seen my school friends since we went to the movies, and Isabel didn't exactly make friends with Maddie. I know that Dillon and Jamie will be totally welcoming, and Lily too, but Isabel..... I don't know. I'm a little apprehensive, but Madison is so friendly I'm sure it'll be fine.

Forcing these thoughts to the back of my head, I yelled upstairs to Madison again when she didn't reply. This time, I heard a faint reply coming from upstairs, so I headed up there.

Dallas's room comes before Maddie's , and Demi's empty room was at the end of the hall. Maddie says that she'll be staying there sometimes when she's not touring and not in LA, but she hasn't been here yet.

As I passed Dallas's room, I poked my head inside to see if she was there, she wasn't, but I could help but let out a small laugh.

Dallas's floor was covered with piles and piles of sequins, diamonds, and glitter scattered everywhere.

" 'Sup, loser." I heard Dallas say, and I turned around to basically get whacked in the head with a hot glue gun.

I screamed and jumped back, landing in a stack of ribbon.

"Careful!" Dallas screeched, running into her room to save her masterpiece that I wasn't even near, but whatever.

"Watch where you shove that thing, gosh." I grumbled, peeling some ribbon that was stuck to my foot off.

I looked up again to see Maddie standing in the doorway, carrying a huge ass box of supplies, I'm assuming more diamonds.

"What are you even making?" I asked, plopping down on Dallas's bed, Madison dropping the box and jumping on beside me.

"Well, at first she wanted to bedazzle my school supplies, but I saved them thankfully. Now she's moved onto anything she can get her hands on. She just bedazzled that." Maddie said, pointing at a laptop sitting on the desk, and I could see it glittering from here.

"I'm in a bedazzling mood." Dallas said, plugging in the hot glue gun again.

"Okay, weirdo. I'm taking Maddie to the park. Leggo, De La Garza." I dragged Madison by the arm, out of Dallas's room before she could bedazzle like, my eyebrows.

We sat in the park I went to with Madison, the first day she moved here.

'Shit.' I thought, that was like the last time I played soccer, I haven't been to any games or practices since.

"Yo Madz, do you remember when I said that you could join my soccer team?"

"Aha what soccer team Avalon, I've been with you for like two months and I have never seen you go to soccer. You are such a liar." She laughed, rolling over onto her stomach and started playing with the grass.

"I'm not a liar! I just haven't been!"

"Yeah, okay, sure. LIAR." She laughed.

"I'M NOT LYING! What day is it? I probably have a game soon, I'll take you."

"If you didn't get kicked off the team for not showing up."

"I'm not going to be kicked off the team, its summer. Everyone disappears for a little bit."

"Okay, so your team thinks that you've been MIA for like two months."

"Whatever." I said, lying on my back, looking up at the sky.

We were both silence for a while, just enjoying the cool breeze.

"Madison, it's the last day of summer."

She snorted. "Do you think I don't realize that?! Tomorrow, my life like basically starts."

"Dude, your life has already started your 15. It's been started for 15 years."

"Okay, but you know what I mean."

"Pretend that I don't."

"Avalon. Two months ago my mom thought it was a really good idea to move. Why, I still have no idea. But in the space of a week suddenly my whole life was boxed up and shipped to a country I had barely been in before."

"Why did you guys decide to move? Like what was wrong with LA?"

"Absolutely nothing for me. I had friends, I was in a good school. We could see Demi whenever she was there. I don't know, I think Dallas was in a bad place. She broke up with her boyfriend, she was trying to keep her foot in the entertainment business but doors just kept closing in her face. I think my mom just thought that it would be easier for everyone to be far away from La La Land."

I was silent for a minute before I spoke. "Yeah, I could see how that makes some sense, but Dallas is 26 or something right? Couldn't she have moved away by herself?"

"My mom's all about supporting her family. If she felt that Dallas had to get away, she would bring the whole family with her. Which is weird because she didn't have a problem ditching Demi in LA." Madison said, almost angrily.

The wind began to pick up, blowing stands of grass that Maddie had ripped out of the ground all over us.

Madison let out a huge sigh, picking grass from her hair.

"Let's just go home." She said, abruptly standing up.

I watched as she started walking away, before turning back and waiting for me to follow her.

I stood up and ran to catch up to her, and together we walked back home.


I literally want to karate chop anyone and everyone that goes to my school I hate everyone it's not a good time

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