Chapter Four: Dad Incoming

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"Could you pass the popcorn?" I threw a handful in my mouth and passed the bowl to Maddie.

Apparently, all we ever do is eat and watch movies, which is basically what we are doing right now.

Except neither of us were watching the movie, I was on facebook and Maddie was texting some friends from back in LA.

We were sitting on the floor of Maddie's room, which is freshly painted a creamy-white colour. She had started to draw some designs on but her arm got tired so she gave up after an hour.

I've been at her house since this morning. I've only known her for two days, but are friendship is already at the point of living at each others houses. It's kinda ridiculous, but I love it.

I know I'm probably going to have to go home this evening, my mom isnt about the whole double sleepover thing. But, to be honest I'm kinda dreading it. Dad is probably home by now, god knows drunk.

"Are you staying the night? Because you can if you want to. " Maddie asked, shoving a handful of popcorn into her mouth.

"Thanks, but I should probably head back in a bit." I said, shaking my head.
"Does your mom want you home?"

"I don't know I haven't talked to her but I think ---" I was cut off by Maddie's phone, suddenly blaring a random Paramore song that I didn't recognize.

"Ooooooh Kate and Abby want to FaceTime! Scooch over so you can be in it!"
She clicked accept and two faces appeared on the screen, who I'm assuming are her friends from LA.

They were talking about some random rap, catching up I suppose. It involved a lot of screaming from both ends that's for sure.

I was scrolling through Instagram on my phone when Maddie suddenly turned the phone towards to me so that Kate and Abby could see.

I gave an awkward little wave as Maddie introduced me. Abby made some wise ass comment about how Canadians really do exist and her and Kate died laughing.

I don't know if Maddie thought it was funny, but she didn't laugh, she just smiled. I awkwardly chuckled, my smile never reaching my eyes.

They chatted for a little while, me awkwardly sitting there. Normally, I'm not all that shy around strangers but this time it was different. Its awkward meeting people over facetime and for the first time in a while, I had no idea what to say.

Also, Maddie already knew them really well, they have a lot of history and I'm just the new friend from Canada.

I grabbed my phone charger out of the wall and slug my backpack over my shoulder.

"Hey are you leaving?" Maddie said, looking up from her phone screen.

"Yeah, I'm gonna head back and see my mom. I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?"

"Yeah of course! Oh, me and mom are picking Dallas and my dad up from the airport tomorrow morningish, do you want to come?"

'Yeah sure, that'd be cool. I'll see you." I started to walk out of the door, pausing at the top of Maddie's staircase.

"Bye Kate! Bye Abby! I yelled loud enough so Maddie could hear me in her room.
I know I literally said all of two words to them, but I'm not rude.
I made sure to say bye to Dianna on my way out, walking through and over the back fence. I did it way more gracefully than Madison did yesterday, just saying.

I paused by the back door of my house, waiting to hear a noise. When there was none, I pushed my way inside and into the empty kitchen. I could smell the food that my dad had just made for dinner, meaning that he was probably in the family room eating in front of the TV. My mom hates it when I eat anywhere but in the kitchen, but she doesn't say anything when my dad does. I headed upstairs to drop off my bag in my room before looking for my mom.

I saw her bedroom light on from underneath the door so I pushed it open to see her sitting up in bed on her laptop.

"Hey sweetie! How was your day?"

"It was really good, I just hung out with Maddie all day. What did you do?"

"Some gardening, I worked a little, some errands."

We sat on her bed, catching up on our days. These are my favourite moments with my mom, when we are just sitting, talking, and enjoying each others company.

My mom was on a rant about how well Acacia was doing at university when loud, pounding footsteps started to make their way upstairs.

I groaned, leaning back on the pillows.

Dad incoming.

"My two favourite girls!" My dad slurred, obviously drunk. He made his way over to the bed then lied down, crushing my legs.

"Ryan. Please move."

He grumbled a response and I struggled to pull my legs out from under him

"Ryan. I'm not going to ask you again."

He pulled himself up and sprawled on the floor a few meters away, grumbling under his breath.

I hate how childish he gets when he is drunk. My mom literally has to treat him like he is 4 on a time out half the time.

I got up and moved around him on the way to my room, suddenly having no patience to deal with him.

"Where d'ya think yer goin'?"

I ignored him and kept walking because I know that if I respond, it's just going to end in an argument.

"I called you today."

"I know. I picked up." I replied tersely, already down the hall.

"You called Avalon from a club?!" I heard my mom screech and I hurried the down the hall to my room before the argument exploded.

Jamming my headphones into my ears, I laid down on my bed and turned the volume all the way up, drowning out the sounds of yelling.

I actually hate how the new update doesn't let you double space, I literally have to redo the spacing every time I save. And it's getting hella annoying.

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