Chapter Thirteen: Walmart

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"Why aren't you awake yet?! Lets goooooo." I heard a voice say and the sound of someone sitting on my beanbag chair.

I groaned, opening a bleary eye to see Madison curling up on my beanbag chair, either snapchating or taking selfies, I couldn't tell.

"Where are we going?" I mumbled, turning over and hiding my head under my pillow. "And how did you get into my house?"

"School supply shopping." Madison said, ignoring my last question.

"Are you kidding? You woke me up so you could go look a pens?"

A pillow came out of nowhere and hit me on my back

"I'm not walking around Walmart by myself!"

I grunted, and something heavy came and sat on my back.

"Madison. Get off." I mumbled

"Nope. Get up, you lazy ass c'mon, put some pep in your step."

"Madison. You are sitting on me. How do you want me to get up?"

"True." She said, and rolled off onto the other side of the bed.

I rolled back on my back, staring up at the ceiling.

"Are you even enrolled in a school now?"

"Yeah my mom put the deposit down this morning, I'm going to some ratchet ass public school down the road."

I looked at Madison who was lying beside me and trying not to grin. She caught me looking at her and she slapped a hand over her mouth, stifling a laugh.

I know my neighbourhood, definitely better than Madison does, and let me tell you this. There isn't a 'ratchet ass public school' down the road.

"Are you going to tell me where you are actually going?"

"Bishop Strachan."

I blinked. "Is that a joke?"

"Of course you idiot, my mom enrolled me at your school!"


"YUP! NOW LETS GO! I gotta get school supplies and uh god, I need to get your school's ratchet ass uniform."

"Um, the uniform is actually decent."

"Lies. I already googled it."

An hour later, Maddie, Dallas and I were walking into Walmart, Maddie with a list of school supplies like she was 6 years old and starting Grade 1.

Maddie was standing next to one of those cardboard stands with the sharpie highlighters, and Dallas was eyeing the McDonalds.

I leaned towards her, "Get me one of whatever you are getting." I whispered.

She winked and walked into the McDonalds, leaving me with Maddie.

"Avalon." She said seriously, "Think ones or thin ones? or the gel ones?"

"No one likes gel. Don't get gel. Just get the thin ones and let's move on."

$150 dollars later, I don't know how anyone can spend that much money on school supplies, we were standing at the checkout.

Dallas had come back with two large vanilla milkshakes halfway through Maddie's shopping and I had somehow managed to finish mine already. I chewed on the straw as Maddie unloaded her cart.

I, on the other hand, only got a couple of new pencils, so I added mine onto the end.

"Honestly Avalon, I don't know how you are going to last with only five pencils. Don't you need like, binders or something?"

"Nah. I'm just gonna use mine from last year." I said, shrugging.

After Walmart, our next stop was the uniform store.

We passed by all the other sections for other schools before we got to the back of the warehouse, where my school's uniform was kept.

There were some littler kids trying on the junior uniform, and this other girl around my age that I think is new, because I didn't recognize her. Madison picked up like three of everything, and around 6 white shirts. She had to get fitted for a blazer, and me and Dallas sat watching as Madison got pricked by sewing needles and tried not to laugh. Dallas died laughing about the fact that the blazers have shoulder pads, and Madison looked like she'd rather be anywhere else but here.

I already have a blazer that fits, so I didn't have to go through that pain again. Madison didn't know what house she was sorted into, so she didn't know what tie to get. My house colour is green, so my tie has a green strip going across it.

Madison picked a plain one, stating that she'd get a house one once she knew. She ripped it out of the package and looked at it confused, like she thought that it was going or be pre tied

I raised my eyebrows and looked at Maddie, waiting for this fact to sink it.

"Do you mean...... I'm going to have to learn to tie this?" She gasped.

I laughed, nodding.

"Oh my god, no."

"You'll get it. Eventually." I laughed, chuckling as I passed the Maddie's clothes over to the cash register.

Poor baby. She'll live.

I have a month till summer omg idk if I'm gonna make it

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