Chapter Seven: Security

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"Suicide? He's dead?!"

"No. Not yet. He's in surgery."

"Is that all I'm going to get? 'He's in surgery'?"




I took a deep breath and tried to stop yelling at my mom because everyone was staring and Dallas and Maddie looked scared out of their minds.

"Mom, just go ask."

"No. They will tell us when they know."

"MOM GO FUCKING ASK." I screamed, nevermind about that no yelling thing.

"Excuse me miss, but would you please take this outside, there are medical staff are operating on some high risk cases and it is hard for them to concentrate with all this yelling. Thank you."  Some random ass nurse said in a sickly sweet voice before walking away.

"Wait!" I said, grabbing her arm. "You could help us."

She raised an eyebrow and gingerly moved my hand from her arm, looking like I just gave her ebola. 

She didn't respond so I just continued talking.

"Do you have an update for Ryan Kelyn?"

She looked down at her clipboard before looking back at me, hesitating to open her mouth.

"I cannot disclose patient information."

Oh thanks thats really helpful. 

"Excuse me?"

"I cannot disclose patient information." She repeated.

I just looked at her for a few seconds before opening my mouth to freaking yell at this bitch for some goddamn answers, but Madison beat me to it. 

"CAN YOU FUCKING ANSWER THE GODDAMN QUESTION?" She screeched, lunging towards the nurse to rip the clipboard out of her hands.

"SECURITY!!!" She screamed before Dallas could pull her back.

The next thing I knew Madison was tackled to the floor by some huge security officer and my mom had burst into another round of tears. 

Dallas was frantically grabbing at Madison to try to pull her from the security guards grip, yelling obscenties that I have never heard come out of someones mouth. 

Another officer ran to grab Dallas, pulling her off Madison. My mom started yelling at the guards to get off of them and I was just standing there like an idiot watching this all unfold.


I looked up to see a very scary looking doctor standing by the door to the emergancy room.

Me and my mom started explaining at the same time, but he quickly cut us off.

"Release them."

The guards let go of Madison and Dallas, and they both got up off the floor grumbling under their breath.

"Are you aware that you are in a hospital?"

"Yes, sir." Dallas mumbled and the rest of us nodded.

"This much noise is not allowed. What is the problem so we can sort this out quickly."

"Please, sir. I just need to know what happend to my father and if he is going to be okay."

"What's his name?"

"Ryan Kelyn" I said nervously

He quickly checked a clipboard before responding.

"He's still in surgery and it is going well. You can visit him in a hour when he is scheduled to be done."

and then he walked away.

I turned around to look at Dallas with my eyes raised.

"Well, that accomplised almost nothing."

Dallas snorted. "Yeah, the only thing that accomplished was almost getting me and Maddie arrested."

At her comment, I looked around but the nurse and security guards were long gone.

I sighed, sitting on a chair next to my mom. 

"I guess we will just have to wait."


We had been sitting in the same place for 45 minuets and my butt was starting to go numb.

"Imma go to the cafeteria and try to find some food, do you want anything?" Dallas asked, standing up from her chair and stretching. 

The same doctor walked over to us and I forgot that Dallas asked a question. 

"Kelyn family. Ryan is out of surgery, he is in room 157B."

Me and my mom quickly got up and raced down the halls, Dallas and Maddie following closely behind us. 

When we got to his room, my dad looked like death. He had tubes and wires all up in everything.

I felt strangley numb as I walked closer to the bed, my mom letting out yet another strangled sob. 

We both sat holding one of his hands in silence and I watched some of the fluid pump into his body through an IV. 

Madison and Dallas walked out of the room, presumably to let me and my mom be alone with my dad.

The same doctor walked in with his stupid clipboard and stood at the end of my fathers bed with a strange smile on his face.

"Is he going to be okay?" My mom managed to ask.

"Yes. He is going to be absolutely fine."


He's gonna be okay. 


And y'all thought he was gonna die

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