Chapter Eight: Wonderland

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We got to take him home a week later and home has been hell ever since.

I mean he just tried to commit suicide so everyone is walking on thin ice around him. 

I, surprisingly, have been okay since I found out that he was going to be okay. I've been trying to make my mom feel better by cracking jokes and stuff because I absolutely hate quiet and sad atmospheres. Acacia always said that 'it's what you do for security because you're insecure' but whatever. I just think that I like making people happy.

Speaking of Acacia, I called her from the hospital to let her know what's going on and I don't think she gave two shits.

It was a 2 minuet conversation and during that time she basically said that she had studying to do and to leave her alone.

So I hung up on that little fucker.

Heartless af

I know I know, I'm a little bit of a heartless bitch too because I've barely been home. 

But that's the difference between me and Acacia. At least I have been home. 

"Avalon?" I heard Maddie shout up the stairs followed her pounding up the stairs. "Are you ready, are you ready?" She beamed, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet. 

I grinned, nodding my head. I shoved some money into my purse and a pair of sunglasses from my shelf.

Today, we were going to wonderland. 

"What even is wonderland?" Asked Dallas from the front seat as we buckled ourselves in.

"It's like Six Flags but better." I replied reaching forward to grab the aux cord.

Dallas slapped my hand away before I got there, grabbing it for herself.

'Nuh uh. My car, my aux cord." She said, plugging it in and Fergalious immediately started playing. 

Maddie groaned, kicking the back of Dallas's seat in response.

"Kick my seat again and you are walking there." Dallas said, pretending to be pissed.

Classic Maddie,  kicked it harder before leaning back on her seat. 

"Ya know Madison, I sometimes I'd rather have Avalon as a sister. Maybe we should trade." Dallas said, looking at the backseat to where I was sitting. "Then you'd be an only child."

"No I wouldn't, I'd get Acacia."

"Who the fuck is Acacia?"

"Um Avalon's older sister?" 

"You have an older sister since when?" She gasped, surprised.

"Since before she was born you fucking idiot." Maddie laughed

"No but seriously, how come you haven't mentioned her before, Avalon?"

I shrugged. "I don't really have much to say about her."

An awkward silence filled the car for a few minuets before Dallas turned the volume up louder and started to sing along.

Of course, me and Madison had to joined in and the awkward silence was long forgotten.

"Jesus fuck, finally." Dallas said, getting out of the car.

We had finally arrived after a rather long car ride. Wonderland had not opened yet, so we joined the queue to get tickets. 

I have a season pass because I practically live at wonderland in the summer, so I didn't have to get one but I stayed in line with them anyway. 

"Aha oh my god Avalon, did you sneeze or something?" Madison said, laughing at my mugshoot on the pass.

"Hahaha your so funny." I said, rolling my eyes. "Its your turn, dumbass." 

I stood as the bought there tickets and then we passed through the gates into wonderland. 

"What's the biggest ride here?" Maddie immediately asked. 

"Leviathan or Behemoth," I replyed "but there are at opposite ends of the park so choose one."

"Leviathan." Maddie said then started walked forward.

I grabbed her arm, dragging her the other way. "This way, honey."

"Do you guys want me to grab a map?" Dallas asked, trailing behind. 

"Maps are for toursits. And besides, I practically live here. Trust me. I know the way."

"Okay, okay little miss. Lead the way."

We hadn't gotten past passes cause those are hella expensive, and frankly annoying as fuck to people who DON'T have them, so we joined the regular line. 

"Look, Madison! Why don't you check if your tall enough to get on this ride." Dallas said in a baby coice, pointing to that little sign thing with the line on it. 

"I'm taller than you!" Madison said, flicking her on the back of the head. 

The line went by surprisingly fast and before we knew it, we were at the front of the line.

"Holy fuck." Dallas said as she looked at the gigantic drop. "Is that what we are going on?"

I laughed and pushed her onto the ride. Madison went ahead of us to put our bags on the other side before joining us. 

Levaithan has 4 seats in a row, so we all sat beside eachother with Dallas in the middle and some random beside Maddie. 

"Av, how big is this drop?" Dallas said, grabbing both our hands.

"I don't know but I know its an 80 degree angle."

"Oh my god." Dallas said, pushing her head all the way back on the seat. 

The ride started slowly, the long way up to the drop almost painful. Actually, it was painful because Dallas was gripping my hand so tight.

The ride was over way to soon for my likeing, and we headed over to see the picture.

We all looked ridiculous, so needless to say, Dallas bought it.

I felt my phone vibrate as we walked to the next ride, so I pulled it out to say that I was tagged in a photo on instagram.

It was the picture was Dallas just bought with the caption ' Wonderlanddddddd @madisontheaerialist @itsavalon ' 

I grinned at Dallas, then lead the way to Riptide because its close to Leviathan. 

I'm proud to say that we hit every ride in that park at least twice.

Except Kidsville. Nobody likes Kidsville. 

It was an amazing day with some of my favourite people. 


a cute chapter after a dramatic one :)

by the way, I got tumblr so y'all should go follow it, it's :)))))

Em <3

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