Chapter Five: Twitter

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I blinked my bleary eyes on the way to the airport, trying to wake myself up more.

I got zero sleep last night. My parents didn't stop yelling at each other for a good 2 hours and then father dearest paced around the house, yelling at everything for no reason.

It was very loud and not appreciated.

When he finally stopped, I still couldn't sleep.

My mind was racing.

I love him on the days that he's sober. Which is getting rarer and rarer every month.

Well, I love him all the time, he's my father. But I'd rather him be sober.

When he's sober, he talks with me and I make him laugh.

When he's drunk, he tells me that my laugh is disgusting and it would be better for everyone if I just keep my mouth shut.


Sometimes, I envy Acacia. She doesn't live here and she doesn't have to deal with my dad's bullshit.


He always liked Acacia better anyway.


I was always the problem child apparently.


I turned around to look at Maddie, rubbing sleep out of my eyes.

Dianna was looking at me concerned through the front mirror and Maddie had one hand on my shoulder, looking at me like I was crazy.

"Are you okay, honey? We were calling you for a while." Dianna asked.

"Uh yeah, I just zoned out sorry." I said, blushing a little.

"Did you sleep okay last night?" Maddie asked, Dianna had gone back to focusing on the road.

"Yeah, I just haven't woken up fully. And its like 9 o'clock in the morning, who wakes up that early in the summer?!" I lied. Well okay half lied, I never get up before noon in the summer.

Maddie looked at me skeptically before nodding slowly.

"What did you do last night after I left?" I asked quickly, trying the change to the subject.

"I just talked to Abby and Kate for a while and then went to bed. You?"

Oh great now the conversation is back on me.

"Nothing much, just pretty much went straight to bed."

Before Maddie could reply again, Dianna cut into the conversation.

"Sorry girls, but which entrance is for pickups?"

We had just arrived to Toronto Pearson Airport to pick up Eddie and Dallas.

I pointed out the right one and leaned back down into the seat.

Dianna parked and we all got out of the car, with me leading to the pickup area. I know my way around Pearson pretty well, my family used to love traveling.

Unfortunately, my father now hates travelling.

We stood in the waiting area and watched as a steady flow of people walked though the doors, greeting their waiting family members.

No sign of them yet.

Me, Maddie, and Dianna all leaned against a wall, pulling our phones out to pass the time.

Madison somehow managed to take Dianna's phone away from her and I laughed as she started to tweet off of her account.

"DiannaDeLaGarza: swaggie"

"DiannaDeLaGarza: bow down bitches."

"DiannaDeLaGarza: surftboard."

All of the lovatics immediately knew Madison took Dianna's phone and we spent a good 5 minuets laughing about the replies.

"Oh look, there they are." Dianna said, walking toward a very tall man and a girl, almost identical to Demi.

Madison slipped Dianna's phone back into her purse and ran ahead to hug Eddie, me trailing behind.

"DADDY !!" She screamed and my mood instantly plummeted again.

I can't remember the last time I was that happy to see my dad.

I shook away the memories and forced a smile on to my face as Maddie greeted Dallas, hugging her tight.

"This is my friend Avalon." I heard her say and the next thing I knew I was being hugged by Dallas.

I patted her on the back awkwardly, because I have no idea how to hug people apparently. I've never been comfortable hugging people that I just met.

One thing I learned on the way back, is Dallas is a very loud human being. She just has so mush energy that she just filled the car with laughs and stories.

It was really fun to listen to, she just has the charisma that makes everyone love her instantly.

When we got home, jet leg finally caught up to Dallas and she shut up a little.

She fell asleep on the couch while Dianna was making lunch and me and Maddie we given the task of carrying Dallas upstairs to her room.

God knows why Eddie couldn't do it, or someone who was actually strong.

Another thing I learned today is that Madison and I are weak as fuck.

We may or may not have dropped her once or twice and damn, that girl is a heavy sleeper, she didn't even wake up after she was slammed against the floor for the fifth time.

It wasn't till later that night that we heard a loud, exasperated sigh from Dianna.

"MADISON LEE. Did you take my phone again?" She groaned and Madison just laughed.

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