Chapter 1

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Yn pov:
'Yn!! Cmon!!' I hear Ivy yell at me from out our living room. I hummed at her a few times until she bursted into my bedroom. She jumped on the bed and shook me up. 'Get up or we will get late!' She yelled in my left ear. 'Fine, fine.' I sigh, sit up and throw the covers off my body, exposing myself wearing an oversized tee and some biker shorts.

'Good, I'll make you a smoothie to go.' Ivy got up and walked out of my room, leaving me sitting in my bed, wondering how today will go.

I always spend my days with Ivy so I don't think it will be any different.
Why Ivy said I had to get up? We had a time booked at the dance studio so we had it all for ourselves. It was currently 8 am and I went to bed around 2 so I haven't got enough sleep.
Why I went to bed so late? Because I'm a girl, girls overthink late in the night when they're supposed to sleep.

I hear Ivy turn on the blender and so I rolled out of my bed and walked towards my dresser. I got some sport leggings and a sports bra out of it.
I took dancing really serious. It's my life and I love to share it with my best friend.

Ivy and I even won a few dance competition when we were about 8 years old. Now we are training and training, don't even know for what. I just love to dance, not so early tho. I brush my hair, not putting any make up on. Why? That's because it's super early and I'm also gonna sweat a lot.

I walk out of my room all ready, seeing Ivy standing at the door with my smoothie. She grabbed the car keys and then we left. Driving to the studio took about 10 minutes. As soon as we made it, we saw the owners son of the studio and he let us in. 'Have fun girls.' Mike said when he closed the door as soon as we walked in. 'We'll do!' Ivy replied.

We first did a quick warm up with stretches, Ivy connected her phone with the box and opened Spotify. We've been working on a dance choreography on this one song and we are almost done. As soon as the music starts, we are in our positions, ready to start.

I am sleepless for a weekend
So I start to say goodbye
Say goodbye to all that we had
Say goodbye to what we lost We don't talk
We're not enough
And the storms slowly arise
When the light turns
And the cold terms arise And we were running out, through the storms, through the night
We were running in the dark, we were following our hearts
And we would fall down and we would slowly fall apart
We would slowly fall into the dark

And the song played for like 10 times. Over and over again because we messed up all the time.
'You think we will ever perform this?' I heard her actual doubt in her voice. Ivy is really sweet and confident but sometimes she can be really insecure.

'If we just work hard enough and ask Mike if he could let us know when there is a new competition, we will perform it.' I took a deep sigh.
'Okay, let's just take a break.' I sighed and walked to the side of the studio to drink something. Ivy followed me and sat down on the ground.

'Remember that one competition in our red suits?' I don't know where that came from but I somehow thought about it while resting.
'Yeah, how old were we?' Ivy grinned.

'I think like 8 or something. That was one of our first wins as a duo.' Was my reply.
'Yeah, what song was it.. wasn't it like-' Ivy thought while I cut her off.
'Blow, it was on Blow.' I answered while laughing a little. I really love that dance.

'Omg yes, do you still know the steps?' I knew where Ivy was about to go, I know her since I just moved here.
'Maybe, let's find out.' We both got up from sitting as Ivy searched up the song.

And that's when we started dancing our first win as a duo. We were both surprised that we still knew post of the steps. It was fun, even tho our skills had been improved while we grew up.

We took another small break, just to drink.
Ivy jumped up from the floor and threw her bottle at me. I put it down on the little bench and ran back to the place in front of the big mirrors.

And then we started our dance all over again. This morning when we arrived we had maybe half of the song, now we're done with all the steps through the song. We just have to keep practicing and practicing.


Time flies and the next moment we know, Mike opens the door of the studio.
'Times up girls!' We checked the time on the big clock above the mirrors. It was.. it was now past 10 am.

'Aw please Mike, can we be here for small 10 minutes?' Ivy begged him. Surprisingly he agreed, but only if he could watch our choreo. Of course Ivy agreed immediately. I always felt something between the two of them but I could never really confirm anything. They were both acting really mysterious towards each other. Let's see how that will work out.

'Wow that was amazing!!' Mike clapped as the music finished playing.
'I know.' Ivy said more confident than she ever did. They both chuckled cutely while I stood there admiring the two of them.

'I guess we should get going, right Iv?' I broke the silence, kinda felt guilty.
The both looked up and nodded slightly.

'Ivy! And.. Yn.. it would be a shame to not let other people see this duo dance. If you want I can ask my mother when there are new competitions?'
He said quickly before we left the studio.
'Yeah, that will be great, thank you Mike!'
Ivy thanked him as we walked away.

At home, I immediately jumped under shower and changed into jeans and a soft sweater.
Ivy and I finally got to talk during lunch.
That we live together, doesn't mean we're not busy. Besides dancing, Ivy own a online shop that she has to keep going. She is also planning to open a shop close to our apartment.

What do I do? For the most part I dance obviously. But besides that, I model sometimes. Which is really nice. I make promotions for clothing brands, even jewelry. I'm not that big that I have so many followers or that I get noticed while I walk in the city. It's all small and for fun.

'So Ivy, when are you gonna go out with Mike?'
I ask with no doubt.
'What? Me and Mike? Yeah, never gonna happen.'
Ivy is good in everything, except lying. I hummed at her in sarcasm while I chew on my toast.

'I saw how you two acted today, you're in love, I know it, we all know it.' I said after I swallowed my food. 'Nope, never.' Ivy shook her head no. Of course I will never believe her denial.
I just let her change the subject as she always does.

After lunch I packed my purse and put on my shoes and coat. 'Hey Iv!! I'll be back before dinner!' I yelled from out the entrance.
'Sure! Have fun!!' I heard her yell back at me.

'Don't have any fun without me.' I laugh as I open the door.
'Don't have to worry about that!' I heard Ivys giggles until I closed the door behind my back.

I stepped into my car and drove away. I walk into the building and meet up with my normal shooter Willow. What I said earlier, I do modeling.

After our shoot, what took like 4 hours, I was all ready to go home.
'So the next shoot will probably be next week because you're gonna have a shoot as a duo. But I'll let you know the details soon.' Willow gave me a last hug until I walked out of the building.

I drive home with the thought of my next shoot.
To be honest, I'm always nervous for duo shoots. You never know who it's gonna be or if the two of you can make it work.

I listened to my favorite song while I heard rain drops on my window. I pulled up and made it just in time for dinner.

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