Chapter 9

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Toms pov:
Yesterday was a day that I don't wanna change for anything. It was perfect. I missed hanging out with Yn. Our fun talks and her goofy laugh.

I wake up and the first thing that comes to my mind is Yn. Immediately a grin formed on my face and my thoughts wandered to the moments we had yesterday.

Would she give me another chance? Would she let me in again? I'm doing my best to win her trust back. I just want her to know that I will never leave her again like that.

I was young, naive and wanted to chase my dreams, whatever it took. But that was the worst decision I made, leaving her. Hurting her.

But now I'm here and I changed. Hoping that I changed in a good way. I just want her to know that I'm here for anything she needs.

But my thoughts got disturbed by a call of Harrison.

"What's up?" I say with my deep morning voice.
"You haven't even checked your phone yet, did you?" Harrison guessed by the sound of my voice. No worries, just my happy self.

"No of course not. Why would I." I chuckle at my best friend over the phone but he doesn't seem to laugh with me. "Just do it.." And with that he ended the phone call.

That was so vague. Anyway, as he said I was about to check my phone. I opened my Instagram. The app that I check first than all the others. I had a lot of likes and tags as normally.

"Shit!! Fuck!! No!!"

Yn pov:
I woke up by the not so peaceful sound of my phone that was buzzing all the time. Just when I open my eyes and rub them, Ivy stormed in.

"What the hell, why did you just storm in like that." I giggled while she jumped next to me on the bed.
"Girl.. we are in trouble." Ivy had put in her serious face. Which can mean two things.

She can be joking and trying to be serious. Or she could be dead serious. Like there is definitely something serious going on. And this time, it was the second thing. In an eye spring, I got worried.

"What did you do, Ivy Anna Murray?" She frowned her eyes at my comment. When we think someone of us screwed up badly, we say our full name.

"Oh well, actually I needed to change what I said. It's actually, you are in trouble. So it's actually. What did you do Yn Evelyn Davis?" She said. And as she said, I got even more worried. What did I do?!

"What do you mean?" Ivy picks up my phone that was laying on the little nightstand.
"Here, this." She handed over my phone after I asked what's wrong.

"What? It's just some Instagram notifications. You know that I always get a lot bc of my photos of the new shoots." I just chuckle about it. But I did got a lot more Instagram notifications than normal.

Ivy grabbed the phone out of my hands and typed something in, really fast. "Here, read this out loud." She handed me the phone again. An online article was on my phone screen.


Yesterday Tom Holland was spotted in the city of London with a mysterious girl.

The friendly neighborhood Spiderman might have wrapped another girl into his world.

They were spotted in a cute little restaurant were they laughed and had a fun little dinner date as it looked.

We got the above picture send by the one that was in that same restaurant and got a comment of this person.

"They seemed happy. They had a lot of fun together. They laughed and talked a lot. They seemed to know each other quit well so I don't think they just met or that this was their first date together."

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