Chapter 12

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Yn pov:
It's the day that I've been waiting for. But weirdly enough, I never thought I would feel like this when I would wake up this day. I thought I would be excited and happy about competing together with Ivy. But the only thought I was thinking about the second after I opened my eyes this morning, was Tom.

Harrison told me yesterday that Tom wasn't coming and that hurts me. I thought that he wanted to make up for what he did years ago but it seems like he doesn't care about me or us anymore. Just when I wanted to give him a chance, he blew it and left.

But I still want to know why. Why did he just stopped paying attention to me? Did he just got bored? Or is something going on with work? Does he think this would get even harder if we would get into a relationship?

Every minute I checked my phone for any updates. While I packed my stuff, I tried to call him several times. He didn't answer. Sometimes I would speak in a voicemail, sometimes I would let it go and try again later.

Together, Ivy and I arrived at the big competition after we ate a bit in a cafe close to it. We drove an hour to get at the big hall. There were a lot of duos with all different looks. Blondes, brunettes. Having ponytails, braids, buns. They all looked the same age with some others maybe a bit more or less experience as we had. But we didn't just sign up to win. We wanted to have fun.

Of course we hoped there would be some scouts or some people that wanted us for jobs but we love dancing. We love it to do it together. Moving passionately on the music with only the thought of the steps in our minds.

But these girls we saw, maybe only looked like girls who wanted to win. That alright, they have to do what they need to do. But Ivy and I will just stick with having fun. We are competitive tho. We would love to win. Something to remember. Something that we can celebrate. But the most important are the memories we make, with or without a price.

I just wished Tom would be here. Harrison is here. He asked us if his new girlfriend Grace could join. I've never met her but by the stories Harrison tells me, she seems really nice. Of course I had to say yes. As I said, I really wanted to know who she is. How she looks like and how nice she is. I'm so happy for him and it seems like Ivy also is.

Mike and Ivy are complicated. Their relationship is something like a little kids relationship. Sometimes I don't even know if they're a thing already or not. Mike is a good guy. I hope that Ivy and him are happy together because they both deserve it. And I? I don't know what I'll get or what I deserve.

Ivy and I were finishing our last make up and hair details while we heard that the last duo was almost done with their performance. It was going to be our turn really soon. I don't think I'm ready. Tom isn't here. He knows how important this is for me and how bad I wanted us to be okay again. I thought he wanted that too. I wanted him here to support me. As a friend, or maybe more. I just wanted him to be here.

And as the duo left the stage towards me and Ivy, it was time. Ivy and I were the last ones. All those other dancers were amazing and I don't know if we will be good enough. If I fail, I don't have a Tom to support me. To stand behind me. Why the hell isn't he here!

Okay, calm down Yn, you got this. Just forget about Tom and do your thing on that stage. It's all about you and Ivy now. I took a deep breath in and out before Ivy pulled me with her on the stage. As I said in my mind, you got this Yn.

And that's when I took my pose, closed my eyes and took a last deep breath in and out, just before the music started to play and I let myself go on the music.

It was the time of my life. Bright lights spotted on me and my best friend while so many people are watching our creation. My feelings were soaked up into the music and every step I took, felt amazing.

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