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Song that fits
see you later (ten years) from Jenna Raine

Ten years go by and so many things have happened. Ivy and Mike got married three years ago and got a little baby girl a year after that, called Lyla. She is now two. She is the absolutely sweetest, but could also be really stubborn. But not only Ivy got a child.

Harrison and Grace were maybe the couple that was really looking forward to having kids. Grace is now pregnant with a girl. But before that, they got a boy named Joshua from now four years old and a boy that's almost six called Caleb. They got married a couple years after their oldest was born.

But now you're probably wondering about my life. Toms life. I can say that we have the most amazing life ever. Chloe, our eight year old daughter and Mason our three year old little boy. It is weird to think that Tom and I got a child only two years after being back together. He always told me he wasn't ready to have kids yet at that age. But when I told him twice that I was pregnant, he was the happiest man alive.

We got married when Chloe was four years old. She brought the rings which was adorable. Harrison and Grace were there with Caleb who was two. Grace was also pregnant at that moment with Joshua. Ivy was my maid of honour obviously. It was such a special day.

So Ivy and I danced for years but I quit a few months after Chloe. But now I've started working in a really cute new cafe that is actually mine. Chloe helps me in the small cafe after I picked her up from school.

But every Mondays and Thursdays, I bring her home for her to change and then drive her to her dance class. That's right. Chloe loves dancing which is awesome cause now that I stopped dancing, I never have to stop watching or thinking about it. She has done a few competitions which is actually just for fun and to build up your skills.

And yes, Tom still acts a lot and travels to the states. But since we had a family he always thinks about the new job offer he'll get. He'll discuss it with me, how long it'll take and where it is. He already takes less jobs because he knows I need him to take care of everything here. But let me tell you, Tom is happy and made his own decisions. I never pushed him to take less jobs.

Tom was in the states to film but came home yesterday because he really wanted to be here for today. Then you'll think, today? Yes, today is such a special day and it's going to be really fun.

Yn pov:
"Mom! Where is my backpack!" Chloe yells from out her room to me that was downstairs. In a minute I stand in her little bedroom. But before I could even help her search, Tom started talking. "No worries, I got him!" He walks into the room with a cute purple backpack.

"Thanks dad! You're the best." I watch her giving him a big hug and then taking the backpack out of his hand to fill it with the stuff she needs for today. "Your welcome. You're excited for today?" Tom asks while he follows her further into her room. "Mhm!" She nods while packing her stuff. Tom joins me and puts his arm around my waist.

"Where is Mason?" I asked Tom a few seconds after. "Oh yeah of course, I was changing him." He laughs embarrassing while he walks back to his room to get him. "Here he is!" Just a minute later he walks back in with Mason in his arms. The little brunette three year old smiles at me and then waves at Chloe. She greets him with a small pet and a kiss on his cheek.

"You ready to go?" I asked Chloe as she nodded and followed us downstairs. We packed the last few things before we went towards the car. We went off to Chloes dance competition. Her first real dance competition. Everyone would be there of course. Ivy, Mike, Harrison, Grace, Toms brothers and their kids. While we sit down in public, we wait for the competition to start. Together with Harry, Chloe was back stage with her teacher and friends while we sit here trying to keep the kids calm.

You would probably ask why Harry was with her backstage. That was because he wanted to make a short video about the competition. Chloe and Harry came on the idea together and of course we agreed. They would post it on Harrys youtube channel and I couldn't wait for the end result.

Just a few moments later, it started and Chloe was one of the first dancers. Harry filmed everything with his camera as I sat on a chair next to Tom and Ivy while I had Mason on my lap. He snuggled close to me and laid against me. We enjoyed the show but Masons eyes started to shut. He woke up later and switched to Toms lap while Tom cuddles him sweetly.

It's been a couple of hours and Chloe has joined us. It was almost time for the results which was really exciting. And then it was time. She went back on stage with her team and the other kids that signed up for the competition.

"On the third place..... Chloe Holland with her dance 'Easy On Me' from Adele." Everyone started to applause while Chloe gave her biggest smile and got her first ever medal. We took pictures and celebrated with our family.


"You did so good today Chlo, I'm really proud of you." I heard Tom talk to our daughter while she laid in her bed. "Thank u daddy." I stood in the door opening when I saw Tom sitting on Chloes bed. "Now it's bedtime yeah?" He tucked her in and gave her a kiss on her forehead. I gave her a kiss before she went to bed and I was putting Mason down.

"Goodnight dad!" Her sweet and soft voice spoke after he stood up and walked towards me. "Goodnight Love." He flicked off the lights and walked towards me. Together we stood there watching our little daughter.

As we stood their in silence, I remembered how peaceful these moments were. Just together with Tom while we look and think about our family.

Tom started talking which gave me such a deja vu moment. I was happy I was with him and this would never be the end. It's an open beginning.

"How did this happen. How did I get so lucky."
He said while he wrapped his arm around me again.

"I guess you made the right choice to make up for it. You remembered the time we had."

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