Chapter 7

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Toms pov:
I just received a text from Yn and I never thought she would text me so soon. It was early in the morning and she told me she was feeling sick. I knew she didn't mean to text me but I did wanted to go see her. How she is doing. I was already outside when she texted me so I decided to get her some medication and than drive to her house.  
As I arrive at her doorstep, I ring the bell and moments later she stood in front of me. I hate to say it but she didn't really look well. She let me in as I took off my coat. "So how're u doing? What happened?" I asked her when we both walked into the living room.

"Not great. And I don't know. Like I just woke up with a fever I guess. I just feel really weak." She walked into the kitchen to fill a glass of water. "Here I got you some painkillers." I handed over the little white box as she opened it and took one of the pill out of it. "Thanks. Do you want something to drink?" She suggested as I said 'yes'.

Moments later we both sat on the couch, watching television in silence. Slowly I feel her head touching my shoulder. And the next second, she was sleeping next to me. I decided to just let her and will see how she acts when she wakes up.

My arm went around her little figure as I started petting the back of her head, playing with her hair. I missed these moments. Just the quiet moments. When she would be asleep next to be, cuddled up. It's just so peaceful. Something that you just don't wanna let go off.

But sadly I did. And now at this moment, feeling her warmth touching my body. It made me realise that this is maybe even gonna be harder to win her trust back. Yn has always be that person that doesn't trust people that fast. And I was too stupid to let her go after she let me in so quickly. She is special. Really special. I was just too confused why she picked me. Why me to spend her time with. To waste her time with. There would be many more guys that could even be better than me. But she still choose me, and I was too stupid to realise it.

Yn pov:
Slowly I started to wake up. Again I heard the soft volume of the television in the background. Under my head, there was a soft pillow and a blanket over my body. Slowly I sit up and take a sip of my glass of water that was standing on the little coffee table.

But then I realised. A little yellow post it note was pasted next to the glass. I looked around me through the apartment but I saw no one. Ivy wasn't back yet. But Tom also left. We just sat on the couch, watching some tv. I guess he just left when I fell asleep. But he left a note which I never thought he would do.

Dearest Yn,
You will read this when you wake up.You fell asleep, I didn't want to bother you any longer so I left. I hope your nap was good. Rest a little and we'll talk later.
xxx Tom

It was a short but sweet message. I took another sip of my water and now the glass was empty. I heard the front door being unlocked and getting opened. "Good morning sunshine!" Ivy yelled through the apartment when she slammed the door behind her back.

"I would leave the good out of it." I said with a light chuckle as I stood up and slowly walked to the kitchen. "Why? What happened?" Ivy asked when I put my glass in the sink. "Nothing, I just woke up feeling bad." I approached Ivy who was now sitting on the couch.

"Oh really? How bad?" She asked when she picked up the little note that I left on the coffee table. "What is this?!" She raised her voice in excitement before I could even answer the last question. "It's nothing." I sighed as she read the note out loud. "Rest a little and we'll talk later. xxx Tom??" She looked up when she read it for the third time.

"Tom was here?" I tried to get the note back out of her hands as she asked me. "Yeah he was. There were no medicine anymore so I texted you, but instead of actually texted you, I texted Tom by accident." I explained as I finally succeeded getting the note back in my hands.

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