Chapter 15: Right

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The following days were pure bliss for Chloe. She started telling her driver to pick her up at the Couffaine's every day rather than the school. Every day after school, Chloe walked with Luka and Juleka to their place where she would study and do her homework. And then once the sun went down, she would kiss Luka goodbye and head home. He consumed her thoughts every moment of every day, which made it hard to concentrate in school.

Though, she was still able to keep up her grades as well as grow closer to Luka. she often wondered about the strides that Marinette and Adrien have made towards becoming a couple. One day, she decided to check on them. First, she called Adrien.

"Hey, Chloe! What's up?" Adrien answered the phone.

"Nothing. I'm over at Luka's and we're taking a break from studying. I figured I'd call and ask how you and Marinette are coming along." Chloe replied with a smirk, winking at Luka.

"Oh! Right! marionette! I MEAN, Marinette! Um...well...." Adrien stuttered.

"You haven't made any progress, have you?" she asked him.

"Well, how am I supposed to make progress when I can't even form a complete sentence around her?!" he responded.

"Ha! What goes around comes around! Well, Luka and I are going to the movies tonight. Do you want to come?"

"Yeah. Just let me ask my father. Let's hope he'll let me."

"Alright! I hope to see you there!" she said before hanging up.

Chloe looked to Luka, "And now, for Marinette."

Chloe then called Marinette, "Hello?" Mari answered.

"Hey, Mari! How's it going?"

"It's going great! What about you?" Mari replied.

"I'm doing great as well! I just called to say that Luka and I are going to the movies tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to come with us."

"Oh, no. I wouldn't want to impose." Mari said, worried about being the third wheel.

"But you wouldn't be. We want you to come. Please?"

"Okay, okay, I'll be there."

"Great! We'll see you later." Chloe said as the two girls hung up the phone.

"Now all we need to do is not show up," Chloe told Luka.

"I kind of feel bad for tricking them like this," Luka said worried that Chloe's plan will backfire.

"It'll be fine. Besides, with those two, it would take years before one of them makes a move."

"I guess you're right." Luka smiled at her.

Word count: 400

A/N: I'm sorry this chapter is so short. also for the next 8 days, I won't be updating because I'm moving! so I won't be able to work on chapter 16 until I'm done. also please don't beg for updates. it's hard enough as it is to write such a popular fic. but it's also hard to come up with content that fans won't be like "wtf this chapter sucks". so please be kind and be patient. In the meantime, check out my twitch! There's a link on my profile!

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