Chapter 14: First Kiss

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After a long battle, the 4 heroes were all tired but separated. Viperion went with Chat Noir to take Sabrina home.

Ladybug was talking with Queen Bee, "You did great back there. How did you know where her Akuma was?" LB said with a wide smile plastered on her face.

"I've known her for years. It wasn't that hard to figure out. But thank you for trusting me with the bee miraculous again."

"Of course! You've made up for and apologized for the mistakes that you've made in the past. you've given me enough reason to trust you. And you promised to keep my secret so how could I not?"

They both smiled at each other. Ladybug's miraculous beeped. "Well, looks like I gotta go. Go and check on your crush." Ladybug gave Chloe a wink before tossing her yo-yo and swinging away.

Chloe turned around to notice that Chat Noir was bringing Viperion back. He detransformed and looked towards Chloe with a smile. Earlier after they had released the cleansed Akuma, Ladybug told Luka that he could keep his miraculous. 

Chloe walked up to Luka, "You did a great job back there. I was really impressed."

Luka blushed a bit and rubbed the back of his neck, "So were you. To be honest, you were better than I was back there."

"No. I was rusty. You have more experience than I do in battle. After all, I'm the one who betrayed everyone." she said sadly.

"Come on. Please tell me you're not listening to what she said back there. Sabrina was akumatized. You and I both know that we don't know what we're doing or saying when we're akumatized. So don't pay attention to anything she said back there." Luka said trying to comfort her.

Chloe turned her back to Luka, "But she's right. I don't deserve to be treated the way that Marinette and everyone else has been treating me. I voluntarily accepted that Akuma. I blamed Ladybug for not giving me a miraculous that I didn't deserve. I honestly don't deserve the kindness that Marinette has shown me."

Luka couldn't help but rush forward and embrace her from behind. "That's not all true. You may have accepted the Akuma on purpose, but it was only because you felt neglected by Ladybug. She was withholding your miraculous for your safety. She didn't have a choice. But in the end, you've redeemed yourself. and you're an amazing queen bee. And you're an amazing person. With or without a miraculous. You are amazing, Chloe Bourgeois. Simply, amazing."

Chloe turned around to face Luka, "Do you really think that? You're not just saying that to make me feel better?"

Luka held her tighter, "Why would I lie to the girl I've got a massive crush on?"

Chloe's eyes grew wide, "W-What?"

"I noticed my feelings a few days ago when you missed practice because you were sick. I was sad and depressed that you couldn't come. And when Jul had asked why I was down and I explained, she brought to my attention that I liked you. And now I realize that it's true."

Chloe looked up at Luka. And before she knew it, he had stolen her first kiss.

Word count: 539

A/N: I am so sorry it took so long! a lot of things got in the way. and also the lack of inspiration that I had really slowed it down. please forgive me. I love you guys so much! have a great summer!

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