Chapter 9: Plan

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A/N: Before I start this chapter, I must say something. Chloe's outfit in this chapter is inspired by katydoodles on Instagram fanart. (said fanart is above) please go check her out!

The next morning was full of excitement. Marinette made breakfast and it was amazing. They went back up to Marinette's room to pick out clothes. Marinette gave Chloe a long sleeve vertical striped black and yellow shirt with a white collar and 4 buttons on a white stripe that goes down to the bust. Paired with a white skirt that ended right above the knees. (sorry katydoodles I lengthened the skirt a bit) along with the shoes she had worn the previous day. Marinette wore a matching outfit only with polka dots and her colors. Marinette put her hair in a half-up, half-down style. Similar to what Chloe had done the previous day. Chloe had Marinette French braid her hair and tied it off with a white hair tie. Marinette surprised Chloe by pinning her bangs back with the bee miraculous. 

Chloe gasped as Pollen came into view. "Hello again, my queen!" Pollen said happily.

Chloe turned to Marinette, tears welling up in her eyes, "Really? You're giving it to me?"

Mari grinned, "Just, be responsible this time, alright?"

In a flash, Chloe had pulled Marinette into a tight hug, "Thanks, Mari. You have no idea how much this means."

Mari hugged her back, "You're welcome, Chlo. Now let go, or we'll be late."

"Oh, yea. Sorry." Chloe let go.

The two girls made their way down to the bakery so Marinette could say goodbye to her parents. The girls walked out the door and linked arms and headed across the street to their school. With wide smiles on their faces, they made their way up the steps of the school. They were greeted by Adrien and the others.

"You guys look amazing!" Adrien admired.

Mari blushed, "Shamks! I-I mean-"

Chloe cut her off, "Thanks, Adrien. By the way, do you want to hang out during lunch? I need to talk to you."

Adrien gave a confused look but pushed it aside, "Sure."

"Alright. Come on, Mari." Chloe turned to drag Mari to the classroom so they could talk game plan. She grabbed Mari's hand to lead her to the classroom but turned around and ran right into a hard surface. The impact made her fall flat on her butt.

"Sorry, Chloe. Didn't mean to startle you." She knew that voice. She looked up to see Luka holding out a hand to help her up.

Her cheeks turned bright red as she took his hand, "Oh. It's no problem. Mari and I were just headed to our classroom." She told him as he helped her up.

"Oh, I could walk with you guys, if you want." Luka scratched the back of his neck as his cheeks tinted pink.

"N-no it's fine." Chloe grabbed Mari's hand, "C'mon, Mari. Let's head to the classroom."

They left him looking sad and both girls couldn't help but feel guilty. They head to the classroom to work put their plan.

Word count: 486

A/N: sorry it took so long. But it's here now. Happy holidays and happy new year! Also a big thank you to katydoodles on Instagram for letting me use her fan art as inspiration for Chloe'soutfit this chapter! Thank you guys so much for being so supportive of my story and making the end of my year amazing! I know this is cheesy but see you guys next year. XOXO!

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