Chapter 19: Terrified

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The following day when they walked into school hand in hand, there was nothing but excited whispers around them, aside from a certain girl who couldn't have been more furious over the pairing that was Adrien and Marinette. Four people had the most extreme reactions out of the entire school. Alya who gasped so loud it drew looks, Nino whose jaw was simply on the floor, and then there was Chloe and Luka who knew it was coming and were the calmest out of the entire school.

For the most part, the day was typical. Other than being bombarded with questions during lunch. Adrien had managed to convince his father to let Marinette, Chloe, and Luka come over to hang out and study. Once at Adrien's home, he wanted to let his father know that he was home.

Adrien knocked on the door of his father's office. No answer, as usual. He decided to go ahead and open the door. The big smile that was plastered on his face instantly fell the moment he watched his father push buttons on the painting of his mother and fall into the floor. 

Many things started racing through Adrien's head. However, one sentence kept repeating, Please don't be Hawkmoth. He pressed the buttons that he had seen his father press. After discussing it with the others, they agreed to have Adrien and Marinette go explore. He didn't recall having a basement. Which made the elevator that he and Marinette were traveling in even odder.

Seeing the layers they were passing under his home made him worry. Marinette noticed how scared he looked, "Hey, I'm sure it's nothing. Everything will be fine." she said in a soothing tone, though she didn't believe it.

"You know that's not true, Mari. I have a feeling I know what's going on. I just don't want to believe it." he admitted.

They passed a level that had white rose bushes and what looked like a shiny coffin. Adrien's knees almost gave out at the sight. The last level was a catwalk leading to a wide open space with a giant window with the shape of a butterfly very prominent. That's when Adrien had a flashback of when Ladybug had suggested that his father was hawkmoth before his father was akumatized. How his logo was a butterfly. Tears started to form in Adrien's eyes. His fears that he didn't want to believe were all being proven real. He was terrified.

A/N: 👁👄👁

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