Chapter 1... Greenie

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My eyes shoot open, staring at the metal cage wiring around me. I push myself off the moving box I appear to be in, frantically looking at all sides, every object.

Barrels, boxes and other assortments travel towards a red light above, with me.

The box comes to an abrupt halt, throwing me back to the floor. I groan as my head slams against a red metal barrel, the paint chipping off it.

I hear what I think is voices above me, and suddenly bright light shines in.

A boy jumps down from the opening, a confused expression on his face.

"A girl?... that's odd." His British accent echoes the tiniest bit in the metal box. He lends his hand to me to help me up, and I take it.

"Where the hell am I..?" I swear, blinking as my eyes adjust. The pain in the back of my head grows heavier.

"Welcome to the Glade, Greenie. I'm Newt."

//Honestly my mind is going a hundred miles an hour right now so.. if I mess up- then- oh well.//


I feel something wet drip down my neck and I reach back to it- then look at my hand. Blood.

"What the-"

"Newt she's gonna-!!-" Another voice yells, and a boy jumps into the box as I begin to spin, falling back down to the floor of the metal box.

Everything goes... black.

//I just typed "Gay panic." Randomly ... what the fuck.//




"...Will she be okay?"

"She should be. She hit her head pretty hard on the way up we think. No big deal though. As long as she takes it easy for a few days, she'll be good as new."

"Alright. Thanks."


My eyes slowly open, squinting at the light. I go to sit up, but groan, and lay back down.

"Hey hey, take it easy." A darker skinned male says.

"Yep.. definitely.." I sigh.

"Hi, I'm Alby.. do you remember anything, at all?"

"I remember.. waking up in that metal cage.. hitting my head.. Newt. Another boy jumped in.. that's it." I mutter, glancing around.

"Thomas, that's the other boy.. he got here last month." Alby hums.

"Oh." Is all I say, nodding.

"Do you remember your name?" He asks.

I shake my head, "No.. I don't.."

"Don't worry Greenie, you'll remember it soon." The familiar British voice of the dirty blonde haired boy responds. He smiles, standing beside Alby.

"I hope.. Greenie isn't a great name." I chuckle a bit, causing Alby and Newt to laugh.

"Newt, keep an eye on her. Show her the ropes.. well, tell her them. I've got to go handle some things." Alby hums, turning to leave.

"Who's it this time?" Newt asks.

"Oh you know Gally. Can't let Thomas have any peace." And with that, Alby exits the hut.

I look at Newt, "Gally? What is that, like a.. valley or something? A bucket?"

Newt laughs, shaking his head.

"No, he's another Glader, like yourself. He's been here for some time. He and Thomas... don't get along well."

"Oh. Huh. Okay." I nod, continuing, "what was Alby talking about.. showing me the ropes?"

Newt plops down in a chair beside the cot, and begins to explain everything I'll need to know.


"Don't harm another Glader.. Don't leave the glade. Only runners can."

"What's beyond the glade?" I ask.

"The runners, and Alby.. they won't talk about it to any of us." Newt responds, shrugging.

"We've seen and heard a few things though. There's these.. giant like.. spider type creatures. Called Greivers. Their sting can make you go insane."

I stare at Newt, horrified by the idea at first. But then curiosity hits me.

"Who are the runners- better yet, who should I talk to about becoming a runner?" I ask.

"Woah woah, calm down there. You already have an injury, and you haven't even seen the glade yet, and you want to become a runner?" Newt asks.

I shrug my shoulders, "Why not? I like adventures."

//666 words...\\
\\don't mind me//

Newt sighs. We continue to talk, about the maze, more rules, the schedule, jobs.. hours pass. Newt left and came back with food. The medjacks- I think that's what he called them, checked my head and changed the bandages.

And I met some of the other Gladers. Frypan, the cook. Chuck, the youngest Glader. He was a sweet kid. I met Thomas, apparently he became a runner on accident. Minho, the lead runner. And a few others.. including Gally. What an inconvenience. I hate him already and I knew him for a full five minutes.

I still can't remember my name though. Everyone told me it'd come to me soon. But I doubt that. I'm starting to worry.

My eyes slowly get heavier, and I close them. It's been such a long day, I'm so tired. Everything disappears as I enter my slumber.


"Y/n! Come on, hurry!" A soft voice calls out.

I giggle, hopping off my bunk and tip toe out of the room, careful not to wake anyone.

"Where are we going?" I whisper, as the figure grabs my hand and drags me around. We enter a room, simulating the outside. It's empty. There's a little forest in the corner, with a treehouse.

The figure points to it, "Up there. Come on, hurry.. the guards will pass soon!"

We both laugh and scurry towards the ladder, climbing up. They help me up into the treehouse and close the hatch.

I smile, looking around. There was a hammock tied in the corner. A door leading to a small deck. A table and chairs. And an old, worn light brown couch.

"You like it?" They ask. I nod, grinning.

"How'd you find this place?" I ask, sitting down on the couch.

"We passed by it yesterday on the way to the lab. I knew I had to look further into it later."

They sit beside me. I smile, "Well I'm glad you did."

They lean in, and...

Mistakes Were Made || Teresa Agnes x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now