Chapter 14... Everything Clears

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//Im slowly going insane lmfao.
But just a quick little note: we're definitely escaping within the next few chapters. I have some really great ideas thanks to Pinterest and other fanfics here on wattpad. :) //

"You feeling better?" Teresa asks, as she sits up from the hammock. I glance over at her, nodding.

"A lot better, yeah.." I mumble.

She smiles, "Good."

She stands up, shuffling over and plopping down beside me on the couch.

I yawn, sitting up to give her more space— and to put a bit of space between us.

"Newt said you had a panic attack the other night, but you won't talk about it with him.. do you want to-" I quickly cut her off.

"No offense, but, not really.. I don't even wanna think about it." I give her a half smile.

She nods, staying silent for a few moments, before perking up again, "Why would I take offense to that?"

"Uhm.." I think for a few seconds, before shrugging.

"I dunno, instinct I guess?"

We sit in silence for a few seconds, before laughing.

She's got a cute laugh.
Wait why did I think that.
What the hell- no.

I shake the thoughts out of my head. I glance out the window. The sun finally hid behind the wall. I sigh.

"What?" She asks.

"Nothing.. I just, I wonder what's out there, y'know. It's.. it's almost sad that we're stuck in here.. trapped. But it's freeing, too, y'know?" I hum.

She looks out the window too, nodding.

"I get what you mean. You wanna know what's beyond, but at the same time.. it's scary. We're safe to an extent here, and we could do anything we wanted, but we chose to build our own society." She responds.

I look at her, "Yeah. Man.." I sigh. Without thinking, I blurt out, "What if there were no boys. Like- instead, it was just us two sent up here alone. I mean what would we even do. We wouldn't have to work as hard.. I doubt either of us would enter the maze..."

She smirks, "I mean there's a lot we could do. Swim in the pond... cook... build.. try to climb the walls... talk... mess around.."

I look at her, "What do you mean by... 'mess around'?"

She smirks at me, and I feel heat rise to my face. I gently kick her with my leg.

"Oh my gOD! Teresa, you-" I groan, throwing my head back against the cushion of the couch, "You're so bad."

She laughs, moving off the couch to prevent being kicked again.

"Aw come on, you know it'd probably happen! Two girls, trapped in ruleless maze, all alone."  She smirks again.

//When you suddenly have a lot of ideas. And you aren't sure which one you should do. Lmaooo.//

My face heats up more, and I pull the blanket up over the lower half of my face to hide it.

It's almost like a lightbulb appeared above her head because the expression on her face changed.

She smirks— a mischievous glint in her eyes, "Y'know..."

I watch her, "What.. are you doing..." I mumble.

She slowly edges her way back towards me, "Oh y'know just.. trying something.."

She climbs back onto the couch, and hovers over-top of me. I can feel my face burning like someone set a wild-fire on it.

She leans down, removing the blanket. My heart races.

"Te... Teresa.. what're you.." I mutter, utter confusion written all over my face. Suddenly, she moves her hands to my sides and starts tickling me.

//You fuckin thought, bitchchhessss. Gotcha 😉😜😂//

"T-Teresa!" I giggle, trying to push her off as she continues to tickle me.

"Heh, what was that? I couldn't hear you!" She smirks, keeping my legs from kicking her by sitting on them.

"Qui- Quit!" I giggle out, trying to catch my breath, but she doesn't stop.

I manage to grab one of her wrists, pushing it up, and grabbing to other one. I accidentally push her off the couch, but she brings me with her.

We both groan as we hit the floor— she broke my fall.

I roll off her out of breath, "Awh, you.. bitch.." I mutter.

She chuckles, laying there beside me.

"Didn't have to throw me off the couch," She remarks, turning her head to look at me. I glance at her, rolling my eyes.

"Seriously? That's the only thing you have to say about that whole ordeal?" I say.

She smirks, as she sits up. Without another word, she shuffled off back to her hammock.

"Goodnight, Y/n~" She hums in a sing-song voice.

She blows the singular candle out that provides light in the treehouse.

I lay there on the floor for a moment, thinking about all of it. I quickly, and quietly get up and back onto the couch.

"Goodnight Teresa.." I mutter, but it seems she's already asleep- her quiet snoring.

Dear god what just happened...


"Y/n! Come on, hurry!" A soft voice calls out.

I giggle, hopping off my bunk and tip toe out of the room, careful not to wake anyone.

"Where are we going?" I whisper, as the female figure grabs my hand and drags me away. We enter a room, simulating the outside. It's empty. There's a little forest in the corner, with a treehouse.

The dark-haired girl points to it, "Up there. Come on, hurry.. the guards will pass soon!"

We both laugh and scurry towards the ladder, climbing up. She helps me up into the treehouse and closes the hatch.

I smile, looking around. There was a hammock tied in the corner. A door leading to a small deck. A table and chairs. And an old, worn light brown couch.

"You like it?" She asks. I nod, grinning.

"How'd you find this place?" I ask, sitting down on the couch.

"We passed by it yesterday on the way to the lab. I knew I had to look further into it later."

She sits down beside me. I smile, "Well I'm glad you did."

She leans in, and...

Her soft lips are on mine. I smile, as I kiss back. I pull away, looking into her eyes.

"I love you, Teresa..." I mumble.

"I love you too, Y/n." She whispers back.

Mistakes Were Made || Teresa Agnes x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now