Finishing Statement

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Hi everybody! It's your author, Journey, and I'd just like to say a couple things.

First off, thank you everyone for expressing your enjoyment with this book! I've loved writing it! Teresa definitely deserved some love, more specifically some lesbian love, amiright?

Second, we're nearing 4,000 total reads! Holy shit! Thank you guys! You're all so amazing and if you aren't loved by anyone else, know you're loved by me.

I appreciate each and every one of you so much.

I started this fanfiction because I couldn't find anything decent, so I hope you don't have to search as hard when you want to simp for Teresa, or even Brenda, anymore.

Anyways, I'd like to announce that I'll now be starting my Sonya X Reader, from Maze B(TMR) along with an Allison Argent x Reader from Teen Wolf.

As well as finishing my Mia Smoak x reader... eventually.

Can I just say how fucking hot, and an amazing actress, Kay McNamara is? Like hot damn girl, give me some tips.


Thank you all so much! If you want to check out some of my other books, I'd appreciate it!

I love you all!! See ya!

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