Chapter 36... Interrogation

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//if you got the notif for this chapter after already reading it, I needed to edit some dialogue. Between Janson and Teresa in elevator, if you want to see what's new.//

Newt rips the sack off of the girls head, chucking it on the floor beside her.

Her breath is ragged, her chest rising and falling in heavy repetition. Long wavy brown hair, now sloppy and dangling in messy folds over her face.

She moves a few strands, trying to see better in the dimly lit room full of sweaty boys, and two rebellious girls.

"...Gally?" She asks, her eyes wide and mouth agape as she stares at my not-so-dead brother.

Newt takes a seat beside Thomas, giving me a glance.

"Here's how this is gonna go.." Gally drops a cloth on the table, "We're gonna ask you some questions, and you're gonna tell us exactly what we need to know."

Teresa frantically looks around the room, eyes darting about, trying to figure out where she is, why, and how to get out.

"Let's start off simple, where's Minho?" Gally stares at her, his arms crossed over his chest.

"No, no.. you guys don't seriously think-"

Gally pushes himself off the table, pulling a chair and slamming it down in front of Teresa.

"Don't look at her, why are you looking at her? Look at me. She's not gonna help you." The boys words roll off his tongue smoothly, as if he'd been planning to say them, for so long. As if he scripted this interrogation, knowing her every action.

"Now, we know you have Minho in the building. Where?" Gally demands an answer from her.

Teresa hesitates, gulping, "He's with the others in the building... sub level three.."

Newt speaks up, his posh accent bringing a small smile to my blank face, "How many others?"

"Twenty eight..." Teresa mutters.

"I can make that work.." Brenda sighs, thrusting a card onto the table. I turn my attention away from her, almost avoiding it. Teresa seems to notice, but doesn't say anything about it.

"No.. no no, you guys don't seem to understand... the whole levels restricted... you can't get in without a thumb print ID.." Teresa rocks back and forth in her seat, nervous.

Thomas stands from his seat, "That's why you're going to come with us."

"Well I don't know, we don't necessarily need her, right? Not all of her. We just need her finger." Gally says, standing and grabbing a razor sharp knife from the large dining table we're all perched on.

"Gally.. back off.." I mutter.

Teresa closes her eyes shamefully.

"What are you-" He stops himself mid sentence, looking at me, "I guarantee she's done a lot worse to Minho, Y/n... look at what she did to you."

I shoot a glare at him, as Teresa speaks up, "It won't make a difference. Do whatever you want to me, you still won't get through the front door. The sensors will pick you up the se-"

I quickly cut her off, "We know, we're tagged. Property of Wicked."

I yank the little knife out of Gally's hand, crouching down in front of Teresa, "You're going to help us out with that too."

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