Chapter 30... Right Arm

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"Brenda are you okay?" I ask quietly, as we step out of the Right Arm's truck, into their camp.

She hesitates, but nods, "Yeah.. I am."

I sigh, gently squeezing her hand.

//I've just learned Sonya and Newt are siblings and I- that just makes everything so much more painful.//

She squeezes it back as we walk into the camp, further.

The group chat with people for a little bit. I zone out, thinking about everything.

I glance up, as I can feel Brenda shaking.

"Y/n.. g-guys.." She mumbles. We all turn to look at her, as she collapses to the ground.

"What the- Brenda!" I yell, crouching down beside her. I groan in pain as I do, forgetting about the wound on my leg.

"WOAH, woah, step back!" A man yells.

He looks over her, "She's been bit."

He pulls out his pistol, aiming it at her.

"Woah woah woah, hey, hold on now!" Thomas yells, "We can- don't kill her!"

"There's nothing we can do. She's better off dead! We can't risk it spreading!" The guy yells.

I pull my pistol out, standing up and aiming it at him.

"Shoot her, and so help me god I'll kill every single person in this camp." I snap.

A woman walks over, "Vince... put the gun down." She says.

"The girls got the virus. We can't risk is spreading." He says, refusing to lower his gun.

The woman looks down at the girl, stepping over.

"She's still redeemable." The woman says, "these kids are immune- it's in their system."

She stands up, turning and looking at all of us. I lower my pistol as the man lowers his, but I still glare at him, watching him like a hawk.

"Thomas.. it's been so long since we last spoke." The woman says.

"I- I'm sorry, am I supposed to know you?" He asks her. He squints, not understanding what she meant.

"Oh... hmm.. it makes sense they'd put you in the maze. After what you did... I'm surprised they didn't kill you."

Everyone glances at Thomas.

"The first time you contacted me.. you said you couldn't stand watching all your friends die. The next time... you gave me the location of every single Wicked base, camp, safe zone... everything." She says.

The guy, Vince, looks at her, "He was our source?"

"He was. But it wasn't just him." She turns to me.

"Hi Y/n. It's nice to see you." She smiles.

I tilt my head, "Excuse me?"

"Right. They put you in too, huh. I guess I should assume that. You destroyed all the information they had on the Right Arm. And you took quite the beating for it. You hid your friends, too, I hear." She says.

I clench my jaw, the memory still raw in my head.

"Mm. You do remember that, don't you." She asks.

I nod my head a little, glancing at Teresa, who frowns slightly, knowing exactly why.

"Well come on then. Let's go. We can still save your friend, but I need your blood." She looks at Thomas. He nods, and walks away with the woman, and the guys carrying Brenda.

I watch her get carried away, clutching my pistol tightly.

"She'll be okay, Y/n." Newt says behind me.

"I know... I just.." I sigh, shaking my head, "Nevermind."

I quickly walk away from the group, off to a more secluded area of the camp.

As I sit down, I see a girl, Sonya, walk up to me.

"Hey. I'm Sonya." She greets me. I nod my head at her, "Y/n."

"You seem familiar... were you in Maze B?" She asks me.

"Uhm.. no, I wasn't. I was in Maze A, with those losers." I point at Newt, Teresa, Frypan, And Minho.

"Oh. Huh... okay." She chuckles a little, plopping down beside me.

"There seems to be some tension between you guys. Is everything alright?" She gives me a questioning look.

I shrug, "Nah, not really. But.. I don't plan on hanging with them too long."

"What does that mean?" The blonde asks, looking at the group.

"It means, one way or another, I will make sure none of them talk to me. One of them killed my brother. One of them cheated on me. One of them kissed the love of my life." I admit.

"And the other two?" She asks, referring to Newt and Frypan.

"I trust Newt. And Frypan. But I just.. I can't be around them. It hurts too much.." I mumble.

"Okay... and what about that girl, Brenda? Does she know all of this?" Sonya asks.

"Why are you interrogating me?" I ask her in response.

"Think of it like I'm a matchmaker. I'm trying to figure you out. I sense tension, I don't like tension." She shrugs.

I roll my eyes, "Yeah yeah, whatever."

She sighs, standing, "If you need any advice, I'm just a tent away." She hums, and walks away.


I limp off, away from the bench I had sat on, feeling weary. Like I'm going to drop unconscious any moment.

"You okay?" A voice asks behind me. I glance back, seeing Teresa.

"Why would you care?" I ask, stumbling forward. I catch myself on a rather tall rock. I groan quietly.

"Because I.. Y/n I got your note." She says. She's closer this time.

I spin around, leaning against the rock, "Really? I mean. I definitely didn't leave it there for you intentionally. For you. To read." I cross my arms over my chest.

She rolls her eyes, "I don't think what you had to say would change within a month. I also don't think your habits would change."

I scoff, "You'd be surprised. I mean, I've seen things change in seconds. One minute I think this girl is in love with me. And the next, I find her kissing a guy who I knew would be a problem."

"You never let me explain!" She shouts.

"I didn't need one." I lean forward, pushing myself off the rock, and begin to limp away. My vision starts to sway.

"Does she know?" Teresa asks. I pause.

She continues, "About the nightmares? It'd be hard to miss. Screaming and crying every night."

I ignore her, limping away. In the corner of my eye I can see the blonde watching us, concerned.

I stop limping, as my chest begins feeling tight. Everything begins to sway, and darken.

"Oh fuck.." I mutter quietly, as I start to collapse.

"Catch her!" I hear Sonya yell from afar. I hear Teresa yell my name as I fall to the ground.

I catch myself with my hands, before they lose strength to stay up too. I fall to the hardened sand, groaning in pain.

"I... I.." As I try to form a sentence, several faces pop up above me. It's too blurry to see. Everything goes.. dark..

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