Chapter 21... New-Found Aggression

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"Are you sure you're alright?" Gally asks, as I finish wrapping the bandages around my leg.

"Yes, I'm sure Gally. It's just a few scratches.. nothing bad." I shrug my shoulders.

"Okay, but I mean- it wouldn't have hurt for the medjacks to take a look." He says.

I shrug, "I'm fine."

He sighs, nodding. He gives me a side hug.

"Woah.. what happened to you?" Newt asks, walking under the canopy that Gally calls a room.

"I tripped.. fell." I mutter, glancing up at him.

"Jesus... is that why you didn't ever show up last night?" He asks. I glance at him.

"Uhm.. sorta've.." I mumble quietly. He looks worried- taking a good long look at my face.

Bloodshot eyes, bags, and stained cheeks. Not the best look.

"Hey-" A familiar female voice says, causing all three of us to look up.

I find myself staring at the one and only, Teresa. I feel a pang in my chest.

"Uhm.. Y/n, can we.. can we talk?" She asks, quietly.

I stay silent. Gally stands up, "No, I don't think you can." He says, walking towards Teresa.

"No offense Gally, but I'm not sure this is much of your business." She takes a few steps back from him.

He scoffs, "Really? Because she took off. Into the fields. Tripped. Fell. Cut her leg up pretty bad. But she was in too much emotional pain to even care. Instead we sat and she cried for hours."

She gulps, and Newt stands, looking between us all, utterly confused.

"It's not what you think.." She mumbles.

"Really? Kissing Thomas isn't what I think? It is. Get the hell out." He says.

"I..." She glances past him, at me.

"Teresa, out. Now." He demands.

She nods, turning around and walking away.

Gally sighs, turning around once she's gone, and walking back to me.

"Hey... you okay?" He asks. I stay silent, taking a shaky breath.

"I.. will be.." I mumble.

"Are you sure?" Newt asks, walking over to me, and crouching down in front of me. Gally sits down beside me.

"I'm not sure.. this.. it hurts so bad.." I mutter, a tear falling down my face.

Gally hugs me, and Newt does so as well.


"So, when did you and Gally get so close?" Newt asks, as we walk along the wall.

"It was a while ago... I tripped into the River." I say, glancing at Newt.

"I got tangled up in some roots and vines, I couldn't get out. Gally happened to be there though. He saved me. And.. I got a memory back." I mutter.

Newt looks to me, raising an eyebrow, "Really?"

I nod, "Mhm.. he is my.. brother."

Newt stares at me, astonished.

"I mean, I guess I could see that.." He whispers, "I'm glad he was there for you. Then. Now."

I nod, "Me too.."

I sigh, thinking back to last night. Thomas's lips on hers.

"Hey, don't think about it," Newt says, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"It's harder than you think.. you know, I was gonna tell her I love her.." I mumble, "But now.. there's no point.."

He looks at me, confused, but I just shake my head.

"Uhm... I'm gonna, go.. clear my head." I sigh.

He nods, watching me limp away.

I pause at the edge of the forest. Staring down the path that once brought me so much joy.

I limp down the path, passing by the ladder— avoiding even looking at it. I pass by the pond. I pass by the bushes. All the way until I find myself secluded, deep in the trees.

I sit down against a tree, resting my head back against it.

"God- Damnit." I mumble, slamming my head back against the bark.

I look at my leg, undoing the bandages.

Amidst the scratches and cuts that are worse than I'd like to admit, what appears to be black and blue infection begins to brew again.

I hear a branch snap, and I quickly wrap my leg back up.

I look around, seeing Teresa.

I groan quietly, "the hell do you want?" I snap.

She frowns, "I want to explain."

I look away, "Oh yeah? Cause there's just.. so much to explain, right?"

I stand from the earth floor, brushing myself off.

"Y/n, come on-" She says, watching me.

"No, okay. No. I can't do this." I glare at her, tears pricking my eyes again.

She doesn't look like she got much sleep. And Thomas hasn't been seen since last night.

"Please.. just hear me out. Thomas he.. he wanted to talk, you know that. He wanted to talk in private.. I just thought it was gonna be something about Newt but... instead, he kissed me. I couldn't push him off until you'd gotten up there and seen it!"

I roll my eyes, "Yeah right."

"Why don't you believe me!?" She yells, "I've given you no reason not to believe me. It's like you don't even want to try to."

"It makes it easier..." I mumble.

"What?" She says, stepping closer to me.

I watch her wearily, "It's always been Thomas." I say, "Always. From the moment you got here. It was him. You watched him. Hung out with him. Talked with him." I say, "That drunken night, you'd have rather been with him than me."

"Y/n... come on now... you know that's not true." She says, resting a hand on my arm.

I gulp, swallowing back any emotion that threatened to slip.

"It's the only thing that makes this easier.." I mumble.

"What do you mean by that.." She whispers.

I glance down at my leg, "I uhm... the cure it.. it was only temporary..."

She frowns, looking up at me. I stare into her eyes for a moment.

She leans in, placing a kiss on my lips. She pulls away.

"Teresa, I'm sorry.."

"For what?" She asks.


I raise my arm, swiftly smacking her in the head with my elbow.

She drops to the ground, unconscious.

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