Chapter 16... The Truth

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"I'm sorry..." I mutter quietly, staring up at the cracks in the ceiling of the treehouse.

"For what? I'm the one who went too far..." Teresa hums, walking over. She sits down on the floor, leaning against the couch.

"You had every right too... I've avoided you before, and then.. tried killing you. You were just being... careful."

I sit up a little, crossing my arms over my chest. I glance at the back of her head with a sigh.

"Mm... We're going to agree to disagree on that one.. But if it wasn't that... why were you avoiding me? I mean- you weren't just avoiding me... you ignored me- you left the moment I'd show up." She says.

I stay silent, wary of the reaction from my next words.

"The dreams.. the- the memories.." I mumble.

She shifts to look at me, concerned, "Did you have another nightmare..?"

I shake my head, "No, uhm.. it was-- a good dream, I guess.. You know how I've been having dreams about... that person- the girl- who.. kissed me.. who- I refused to give up where she went?"

Teresa nods her head, "Go on..."

I pause, staring at her for a moment, before looking away, "It uhm... it was you.."

I avoid her gaze, as the awkward silence settles in over the room.

"Well I guess that gives a clear answer on your sexuality then.." She mutters, chuckling a little.

I look up at her, my face heating up, "What the hell-" I smile some, rolling my eyes.

"Seriously, that's what you take from all that? The fact we were.. something, before the Glade? And instead you comment on my sexuality?"

She gives me a playful grin, "Just because we were something then, doesn't mean it affects us now."

I blink for a moment, slowly nodding. She eyes me, before smirking.

"Unless, you wanted it too?"

I grab a pillow, chucking it at her, "What the hell!" I laugh, my face heating up.

I just found out I was in love- in a relationship, with a friend of mine, through a memory that was wiped from both of us. And she teases me? How rude.

She bursts out laughing, letting the pillow fall to her lap, "I mean, I wouldn't be mad.. Just look at me,"

I glance at her, rolling my eyes, "You're full of yourself!" I joke.

She winks, "You know it,"

//what happens if a fire station/department.. burns down?//

"God, you're terrible." I laugh a little, grabbing the other pillow and hugging it to my chest.

"Whose terrible, and why?" A voice says, as the hatch flies open. Up comes Newt, quickly followed my Thomas.

"Oh- hi boys-" I greet, quickly sitting up from the couch.

Thomas goes to take a step, pausing as he looks down at the floor. There lies the rope, which neither of us had picked up.

"The hell?" He mutters, picking it up off the floor. Newt glances at it, before looking at us suspiciously.

"That is not what it looks like-" I quickly say, shifting on the cushions.

"-She was teaching me how to tie a.. slip knot-" Teresa glances at me, and then back at the boys.

Mistakes Were Made || Teresa Agnes x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now