Chapter 2... Y/n

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"How'd you find this place?" I ask, sitting down on the couch.

"We passed by it yesterday on the way to the lab. I knew I had to look further into it later."

They sit beside me. I smile, "Well I'm glad you did."

They lean in, and...

//Dream over//

"Hey, Greenie!" A voice yells, shaking my arm.

I groan, opening my eyes. Newt stands over me.

"Geez, I've been here for like ten minutes trying to wake you. Come on, it's breakfast." Newt says, walking towards the door.

I sigh, slowly swinging my legs over the side, and standing. I stretch, and follow Newt outside.

"Woah.." I mutter. This is the first time I've been outside in a couple days.. first time to really look at the place. Most of it was empty land. In the corner, a small forest. Some huts scattered about. People all around working. And four tall stone walls surround everything, an opening per wall.

"Beautiful, right?" Newt asks.

"What?" I stare at him.

"This place, the Glade." He corrects, and I just nod, "Oh, yeah, definitely."

"Alright, come on then. Let's get something to eat, and we'll figure out what you should do." Newt hums.

We head over to a place with some tables and chairs, and Newt grabs two plates. Frypan puts eggs and bacon on each, and we walk to a table.

"So, what are you interested in doing as a job here?" Newt asks, taking a bite of his food.

I shrug, "I dunno.. I'm still interested in running."

Newt sighs, "Runners are chosen by Minho and Alby. Mainly Minho though. And considering they got a new runner last month.. I doubt he'll take anyone else right now." Newt shrugs.

I sigh, before perking up, looking around. "Speaking of runners... where's Thomas?" I ask.

"He's out in the maze with Minho." Newt responds. I sigh, nodding.

We sit in silence as we eat. My mind wanders, as I suddenly remember the dream I had last night.

"Hey wait- I remember.. I remember my name-" I mumble.

Newt looks at me, a grin on his face. "Really?"

I nod, "Yeah, my name- it's Y/n.."

"That's a pretty name. Well, it's nice to meet you, Y/n." Newt hums, gently patting me on the back. I smile.

A subtle round of applause, followed by some shouts and hollers from those in the area erupt. It dies down quickly, thankfully.


"Y/n, for now you'll do gardening work with me. It's a more relaxed job, but it's important. I'll teach you how to know what's ripe, how to plant.. all that. Okay?" Newt grabs a basket, walking through the walls of fruits and vegetables that are being grown, in a make shift greenhouse.

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