Chapter 39... Awakening

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My body jolts forward, causing me to gasp in pain. After a few seconds however, it's gone.

I look around, not recognizing my surroundings. I'm in some sort of.. wooden hut, similar to what we had in the maze?

Was it all a dream?

I stand up, wincing lightly. I glance down, lifting my shirt. A bandage wraps around my waste, dried blood on it. But nothing fresh. I then pull up the leg of my pants. A new, nicer prosthetic. Nice.

Definitely not a dream then...

What happened?

I limp out of the hut, to be faced with a beach. The large ship docked far out from wherever we are. A few smaller boats are docked on the shore.

I turn my attention further up the beach, spotting crowds of people and canopies.

I begin my trek over.

As I look around, spotting many unfamiliar faces, I spot three I recognize.

"Sonya?" I ask, limping over to the familiar blonde.

"Y/n! Oh my god-" she pulls me into a hug, "It's good to see you- but, I think there's some people who want to see you first." She laughs a little.

I tilt my head, and follow her up some stairs, to another set of canopies. And there sit my friends, some of them anyways.

"Oh my god- oh my, oh my god!" Frypan leaps out of his seat, engulfing me in a rib crushing hug. I yell a little, and he lets go.

"Sorry-" I cut him off, "heh, it's fine. Hi."

He smiles, and feel someone else hug me. I turn to see Minho. I hug him too.

Aris and Harriet come and give me a hug as well. Even if we didn't know eachother well, it was nice.

"Did-" I'm cut off by another voice.

"Y/n!" Brenda yells, followed by Jorge. I grin, and give them both hugs.

"Where are we?" I ask.

"An island, far away from cranks and the very few remnants of Wicked." Jorge explains.

I slowly nod, "right... uhm, did- did they-" I get cut off.

"Come on, there's some people who want to see you." Sonya says. I turn to look at her, nodding.

She leads me away, making sure I don't collapse. We make small talk, and eventually we arrive at a parting in some large bushes.

"Go down there, go on." She gently pushes me forward, ushering me to go on.

I chuckle a little, and limp my way through.

In front of me, I see three figures sitting on a beach. Two of them are sitting oddly close. Two boys, and a girl.

I smile a little, limping further.

I clear my throat, catching their attention.

"Hey guys." My smile grows as they turn around.

"Y/-" Her voice stops as she stands up and rushes to me, throwing her arms around me in a hug. I nearly fall backwards, but catch myself.

And suddenly, her lips are on mine. I grin, kissing her back.

She pulls away as the other two gently push her away with laughs, hugging me.

"Newt-" I grin, "I thought you were dead.. how did- how?" I ask.

"It was, uhm, because of you. You had faith I wouldn't die. They got the serum back to me after you.. er.. died, ish... and then patched me up. I woke up a week or so ago." He shrugs.

I grin, before pausing, "I've been out for two weeks?"

"You've been out of it for over a month. We thought you were dead, honestly." Thomas shrugs. I roll my eyes.

"Wow, thanks for believing in me." I laugh.

I glance down, spotting Newt and Thomas's hands intertwined.

"Hey-" I glance down, "Did you guys- are you guys official?" I ask, a grin growing.

A blush appears on both their faces.

Teresa speaks up, "Yes, they are very official."

The four of us chill out for the next couple hours, goofing off, catching up and rebuilding our bonds over the ruins that were left.


(A/N) it's not over yet my friends! Still a chapter or two left :D


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