Chapter 25... Filling An Empty Void

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"Well I see you're feeling better." A female voice says behind me. I turn, glancing at her.

"Yeah.. I am." I mutter, limping over to my bag. I dig through it, grabbing my hooded jacket, and throw it on over my shirt.

"You really shouldn't be on your feet, you know." She says, walking over. She hops up onto the desk, watching me.

"Yeah? Well I've been through worse. I think I can handle being on my feet."

"Mhm? Like what?" She asks curiously.

I shrug, "Being stuck in a maze full of boys."

She raises an eyebrow, "You'd think someone would enjoy that. I mean, I would. Hell I'd prefer one full of girls too."

I glance at her out of the corner of my eyes, "Really?"

She nods, "Mhm. Guys, can be dicks. But girls.. know what they like, they're easier to read than guys too." She says.

"Girls are dicks too." I sigh, "Massive ones."

"What's your damage?" She asks me, "I can tell something is bothering you, like it's.. taking everything to block it from your memory."

I don't answer, messing with a broken zipper on my bag. I struggle, but manage to fix it.

"I uhm.. don't really want to talk about it." I mumble.

"You seem to not want to talk about a lot." She sighs, hopping off the table.

"Can you blame me? We just met. I'm not willing to spill my demons to a stranger." I shoot a small glare at her, "Not to mention, you shot me."

She rolls her eyes, "Whatever you say."

And with that, she exits the room, shutting the door behind her. She didn't necessarily slam it, but you could tell it wasn't quiet. I sigh.


It's been a few days since I was finally allowed out of my restraints.

Is it bad that I've been avoiding Brenda? I mean- I've been avoiding everyone. The warehouse full of large, gruff guys.

Jorge. Brenda. My thoughts. My memories.

I've barely slept. Whenever I do sleep... I wake up in a cold sweat.

"Hey, Y/n." Brenda greets, entering my room. They moved a bed and desk in for me, along with some old shelves.

I glance at her, "hi. Does.. Jorge need me?" I ask.

She shakes her head, "Nah. I just wanted to check on you, that's all."

"And why's that?" I ask, looking away from her, focusing on the pen that twists in my hand.

I can feel her gaze burning into my neck. Just like how Teresa's gaze did.

"Well, you're mysterious. And, you're the only person my age here... and the only girl."

I chuckle lightly, "Mhm... so does that mean when another girl shows up, you'll go and pester her?"

"You think I'm pestering you?" She hums, walking over to me. She spins my chair around, so she's standing behind me.

She leans down, whispering into my ear, "I can show you what pestering is."

Her hot breath brushes past my neck. Chills.

She smirks, walking out of the room, but not before giving me a wink.

What the hell was that.

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