The End (16)

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This or the next chapter shall be the last. 

So sorry, but thank you so much for 900+ reads




My fingers were laced and intertwined with Scott's.

I was ready to fight. More like kill.

At this point, I didn't know if I were to ever get my sanity back.

But, I didn't care one bit.

Scott squeezed my hand, returning me to the world.

"Mariah!" Scott whisper/yelled almost sounding frighten.

"If this goes back You know what to do" Scott whispered realising my hand and backing up.

I look up to see Gareth and I smirk.

"The man I was looking for"

"Don't you get tired of playing cat and mouse Mariah. Me being the cat of course and you being..." He played with the knife in his hand and grinned at me, "the helpless little mouse"

"I think you got yourself confused" I pulled out my knife as well.

"Really? I do. Psycho" He smirks still messing with his knife.

The anger boiled inside of me with that word, "I'll show you a psycho" I growled.

"I'm sure you already have" He laughed.

"Fuck you!" I hissed and he laughed more.

I came at him with my knife and he dodged it with no problem.

I rolled my eyes more or so at myself for missing.

"Slightly off there sweetheart" He said threw clinched teeth.

"Just like Andrew" And with one swipe I just barely made a slit in his shirt. Some people screamed and ran away, I'm guessing Scott went to go get plan B.

"Nothing like him" That seemed to tamper with his cocky attitude.

"Hpfm" I slightly turn my head with a smirk before slicing at him, dodging each and every slice.

All he did was slice once catching my cheek. "Shit" I mumered wiping the blood off.

"Getting frustrated" He laughed with an evil tone.

"Urgh" I hissed at him.

He just sent one more smirk my way before he sliced, and sliced at me.

He managed to slice me every which way. 'How the hell was he so good?'

He got one more good cut against my cheek and I cringed and stupidly dropped my knife in pain.

He, of course took this opportunity to kick it away and pounce on me.

He sat on my stomach, making me not be able to breath because the obvious weight difference.

He held his knife to my chest and I grasped his hands, struggling to push him off me.


I grasped the gun, I found, a bit tighter making my knuckles turn a furious shade of white and red.

"What the hell am I even gonna do with this" I said to myself, sitting in my empty room.

It was quiet, not like I expected an answer anyway.

I turned the safety off and tucked it in the back of my pants and used my shirt to cover it.

I walked outside, I heard some screams and my first instinct was to go to it.

I just barely let my hand near the gun, practically itching to use it.

Once, I got to see what the noise was about I was horrified to see Gareth pinning Mariah on the ground with a knife to her chest.

I could obviously tell she was struggling.

I immediately ran over to try and push Gareth off but he only pushed me away harshly knocking my gun to the ground.

My vision became a bit dotted and blurred but I managed to grasp my gun.

I pulled up my gun aiming at the two.

Should I shoot Gareth, after all the horrible things he's done, people's he's killed, not to mention eaten. He just sat back while Mariah went psycho.

But on the other hand, Mariah caused the death of my sister. The only family I had left in the world.

I decided, and shot Gareth which only recieved a shock look from Mariah, I stared at her, my vision blurred by tears, "Goodbye.." I whispered, a tear slipping as the bullet released from its chamber, lodging into her skull.


The End

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