Stones (13)

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This chapter is dedicated to my old best friend Savannah. I know you still read this, and in all honesty I miss you a little. But, it was too much stress.

You're a great person and you'll go on and do amazing things in life and you're so beautiful and skinny regardless of what you think. All I ask, my one request..... forget about me. Please. Anything and everything in your memories about me, just forget them like I never existed.

I know you can't comment on this Chapter or contact me in any type of way because yeah, I did block on everything including here. I can still see when you vote for my Chapters though. It will remain the same.... Just remember I do care.

I've talked enough.... Enjoy.


*Mariahs POV*

I stood in front of a piece of a stone with some engravings. It was still in Terminus but pretty far. I looked at the sloppy engravings done by me:

Savannah LaFaver

I sighed.

Soon enough, I won't give a shit about this grave because I made it.

Not May or Mad. I did. Mariah. The video game nerd who is slipping and is beginning to lose it all.

Honestly, I probably never had it all in the beginning. The moment I meet Gareth changed me.

I stared at the tall, muscular man other wise known as Gareth.  in front of me. What did he want? I kept asking myself.

"So I was wondering if you could do me a favor, babe" He smiled, I blushed a furious shade of red when he added in "babe"

I was never expecting what he asked me that day, yet I somehow accepted his offer of betraying my once friends and killed them.

I sighed and sat crisscrossed in front of her grave. I put some flowers on the grave and let a teat slip down my face. I regret killing her, yes.

But, May and Mad didn't.

I no longer controlled what I did.

They were in charge. I've been pushing hard lately to gain control of my body lately.

I feel for Scott, I like Scott, I love his guitar and cute smile.

But, I do like Gareth, and out little killing sprees.

"I was able to gain control for a while" I sighed, letting another tear slip.

I was talking as if she was here in front of me.

Only one or two tears dropped at a time.

"Remember when we met. When we were introduced."

"I'm Savannah" The beautiful blonde girl with extraordinary popping brown eyes. I took her hand and shook it shyly. "Mariah..." I smiled.

"I met this guy.... his name is Scott Jund" I played with the grass on the ground.

"You would have loved to meet him, he treats me special, and he isn't afraid of Gareth." I chuckled through my tears.

"Though... it was amazing when I first met him and you almost instantly knew I liked Gareth."

Savannah walked over to my table for breakfast and grinned wildly.

"Hey" She giggled with joy plopping next to me. Orient understand everyone was so happy today, I could take Gareth's cute smile though. I glanced at him and he sent a wink my mainland I blushed wildly.

Savannah had a suspicious grin when I turned back, "You like Gareth?"

"No!" I quickly lied.

"Ohhh" Savannah leaned back, still grinning.

"I do not."

"Admit it" She giggled pointing a finger my way.

"I don't!" I tried to justify.

"Hey, don't be ashamed, he's a keeper. But damn, he is mystery... and hot" She smiled and stood.

"Good times, huh?" I smiled at the graves, the only things I heard was the soft whispers of the wind. "Soon enough. I'll have to go, and by the end of the day" I stayed quiet for a moment before closing my eyes,

"I'll be gone."

"God, If you're still alive up there" I looked up in to the barely clouded sky.

"Please. Kill me. Or at least tell how to beat May and Mad!" No answer.

"Figures" I let more and more tears maze down my face, holding my crying back so much I began to get a head ache.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jumped immediately.

"Sorry" Scott smiled, sitting beside me.

I didn't smile back, "You shouldn't be out here" I continued to cry and look down at the grave.

"You're upset and I'm here" He put his arm around my shoulder, without hesitation I laid my head on his shoulder and snuggled up closer to him.

"No I mean here, in Terminus" I let up on crying a little. He played with my hair a little.

"Why?" He asked.

"You're not safe and I might just hurt you" That just slipped out, he probably thinks I'm insane. It was a long silence.

"Your inner demons" He only whispered.

I leaned up and looked into his eyes, I must have looked like a reck. "You're only fighting yourself." He sighed. How the hell did he know this?

"How did y-" He cut me off and looked at the ground.

"Because..." He sighed, "I used to have the same problem."

"But" My lip quivered, "I'm murdering people, tons. Gareth is telling me to keep killing, I-I uh just want to get rid of my demons, Scott." I cried and he pulled me into a hug. I never wanted to let go.

"I'll help you fight them." He sighed. I only nodded till surprised how he knew all this.

"All I do is fight them, and sit back as they murder and murder on after another." I was crying hysterically by now.

Scott rubbed small circles on my back, quietly shushing me and whispering sweet nothings in my ear.


I watched in the distance as Scott was cuddled up next to Mariah, and I was beyond pissed.

"I'll help you fight them" Scott said and I perked up.

That son of bitch.


Hahah sorry it's more another filler chapter than anything although we are getting somewhere.

Now you guys sorta know why Mariah went all psycho.

Hoped you enjoyed. More to come.

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