Reunited (10)

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Hey guys, quick note.

First, thank you so much for 600 reads,
Next, If you don't like descriptive gore,
than this chapter may not be for you
*You have been Warned*


I was still half naked when I crawled out of bed only because it had gotten so hot last night. (Chill out children they have not done the unmentionables yet.)

Gareth propped up his head with his hand and watched me change.

"Stare much?" I asked with a small smirk.

"Thought I was aloud too." He smiled.

"No you haven't got those rights yet." I teased pulling on my pants.

"Well my bad babe." He said fake surrendering.

I gave him a kiss on the check before grabbing my hand gun.

"Where's the silencer?" I asked him, searching around the room.

"Under the bed" He said getting out of bed. I nodded and quietly thanked him and grabbed the silencer and put It on the gun.

I was about to walk out the door, "Babe?" Gareth said checking himself out in the mirror.

I chuckled, "Yes" I turned around.

"You get Brooklyn, I got Caitlyn" He said looking up at me now.

"Yes sir." I laughed and stuck the gun in the back of my pants and walked out. I shut the door and began to walk to the nurses office I left her in, this shouldn't be hard.

Until I heard a voice behind me, "You bitch" Caitlyn.

I turned around with a smirk. "Still breathing?" I snickered.

"Just to come and kill you and your god damn boyfriend." She had a knife.

"Brought a knife to the wrong fight." I pulled out the gun.

"Just like you, can't fight a fight" She said.

I looked at her stump and laughed, "Are you fucking kidding me I think I showed your ass yesterday I could take you easily."

I got sick of all her stalling Gareth would walk out any second and she could easily stab him. I pulled out the gun and shot her in the knee. Gareth walked out in the knick of time.

"Babe, what happened." He asked a little concerned.

"Don't worry about it, go get Brooklyn and I'll meet you up for the last one" I said walking over to her.

"Alright" He walked off.

"Don't touch my sister!" She yelled at me. I bent down and got in her face.

"Too late" I smiled.

"She doesn't even believe you did this, kill me not her." She begged. 

"Who's big and bad now" I smiled and ended her life. 

"Mariah....?" A familiar voice called out from behind.

"Is that you..?" I turned around slowly, afraid of my head deceiving me.

There she was, my dead sister, or so I thought to be dead.

"Crystal?" I questioned, sticking my gun in the back of my pants.

"I... I thought... y-you were dead." My eyes had tears threatening to spill over, but I quickly straightened up.

"I thought the same" She smiled and started to walk towards ready to embrace, but I couldn't.

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