Games (3)

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Its been a month now here, In Terminus.

I've grown close to these people, I have no idea if that's a smart thing to do.

But, I need people, Like my dad told me before he died. When ever I scared to be around people or even get close, He would tell me "People are the best defense against walkers".

I remember Beth said it too, but he was there when my dad said it.

Now that I think about it, my daddy was a wise man, and I miss him every second of the day. 

In Terminus, things have been different. Not like bad different, good different.

I have gotten friends, people actually like me, I've defiantly grown closer to Gareth after that night he kissed my cheek.

It was only the cheek, but I felt like I never had before and I had no clue what this feeling was.

It was such a sweet feeling and I thought I should tell him how I felt but I didn't know. 

I've met some more people, a guy named Chad Turner and his best friend named Mark Palmer and his little brother Noah.

I was hanging out with Mark, Noah, Gareth, and Caitlyn today. The sun was out, nice and bright.

Thankfully the umbrella covered me.

"May" Caitlyn called out.

"Yeah?" I questioned focusing my attention back on them.

"I heard something..?" She continued. I rolled my eyes to the back of my skull and she giggled.

"Let me guess." I said sarcastically, "It was Emily."

We all laughed for a good minute. I looked at how we sat, Caitlyn was across me with Noah beside her.

I smiled at the cute couple.

Gareth was close to me, his hand on my chair and Mark was a little close too with Chad on the other side of him.

"Guys, you wanna do something" Noah spoke up.

"Hit me with your best shot little bro." Mark chuckled and we laughed along.

Caitlyn elbowed him and said something in-audible, until he looked back with a grin.

"Do you guys remember the game man hunt." Noah finished. I furrowed my eye brows. I never went out or really had friends so I didn't.

"Um... No" I said quietly.

"Its liked Hide N Seek in the dark or with some kind of twist." Caitlyn answered.

I smiled at her gratefully knowing she knew me better than anyone here expect Beth, Savannah, and sadly Andy. 

"Wanna play?" Gareth smiled playfully, showing his full perfect smile, I reddened at the sight. Caitlyn giggled like a little school girl.

"Yeah, lemme get Savannah and meet me by my room in 10 with shorts and water" I said, jumping outta my seat rushing to get them both.

As soon as everyone was by my door we agreed to do teams of two.

"Okay, So me and Chad." Mark said and Chad nodded.

"Me and Gareth" I smiled, and Gareth nodded. 

"Me and Caitlyn" Noah continued, and Caitlyn nodded. 

"and me and Bethy" Savannah grinned, and they highfived. 

"Awesome, okay uhh me and Gareth will count to...." I thought for a second as I noticed to sun going down, I smirked a little.

It doesn't even feel like an Apocalypse. 

We played round after round feeling like children again, not afraid to be around people anymore. It was sweet and I loved the feeling of having.... friends. 

"Ugly bitch" Brittany harshly said cornering me in the girls restroom. I just looked at her and tried to walk past before she shoved me back against the wall. "Where the fuck are you going whore, I am talking to you" She continued. "I don't care Brittany" I just shoved past her and heard her little posse behind me. 

That's my whole high school life in one paragraph, Until I dropped out in 11th grade.

I smirked at the thought of all those bitches having their flesh torn apart, losing family. Let me get back to the subject, we agreed this was the last round we played because it had to be about 1am at least.

Me and Gareth we hiding in a building we found close to the back of Terminus.

"You think they'll ever find us" I question scooting close to Gareth, I doubt he noticed it was extremely dark and electricity wasn't something they had. He didn't say anything so I assumed he didn't know.

All a sudden I felt his cold hand slip on mine.

"I don't know, I doubt it" He whispered, his smile still brighter than the dark. I giggled a little, like a fool more like it.

Gareth moved really close till our bodies could sit any closer against a wall together. I adjusted the box in front of us so they won't see us if they find this room. I looked at his smiling, he mirrored me. 

Gareth moved close, till I could feel his breath on my face.

"Gareth.." I said under my breath so only he could hear.

"Yeah?" He responded. This was it, I was gonna tell him how I felt.

"....I uhh" My words got stopped by the sound of a door opening and a voice echoing. He moved his hand and I looked at Gareth and he nodded knowing who it was. 

Mark and Chad. We both knew them two had come to find us, I wonder if the others had been found. I got the all of a sudden urge to pee and to laugh.

"Shit" I said only loud enough for Gareth to here. Then all a sudden Mark kicked the boxes over.

"Found you mother fuckers!" He laughed and I fell over laughing. Eventually we got up and went back over to where we agreed to meet. 

It's been a good day. 


It took a while, I know sorry. This is just a filler chapter get ready for some craziness in the next few chapters though! 

Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Follow me!! <3 Thankss

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