Miss me (9)

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*Andrews (Andys) POV*

I've been in this place for so long. I hope they haven't forgot about me.

What am I talking about, I know they did.

I swear as soon as I get out of here that little bitch Mariah is gonna die, and her little boyfriend Gareth and I must just let Beth live.

I heard them talking outside of the door, they pass by ever so often saying something. Yesterday two girls passed by my dark small room. 

They were talking about, Gareth banging Mariah.

Props to him I soppose she was hot, but a god damn bitch.

I will kill her, I will. I tell you, I will kill her!! 

I began messing with the locks, no budge. Then the window. 

*Mariahs POV*

It was early in the morning and I was still wrapped up with Gareth.

He had his arm wrapped around my waist and my arm was laying on his bare chest.

I opened my eyes, but I didn't feel like getting up. It was silent in our room, except Gareth's quiet snores. I lifted my head a little and squinted at the sun light through the blinds.

I snuggled back into his side, he rustled a little. I closed my eyes and tried to enjoy this calm moment. 

While I laid there I thought I haven't seen a walker in days, but then I realized they had people at the gates killing them. I giggled a little at my thought.

"Whats so funny?" Gareth softly said with his sleepy voice. I opened my eyes and looked at him, his eyes were still closed but he had a smirk.

"Just a thought." I said softly back. He turned his head and kissed me on the cheek. 

I giggled a little, he opened his eyes and looked at me.

"We should probably get up babe" I gave him a little smack in the chest.

"Ehhh" He whined. I rolled out of bed and got bed and got dressed. 

I threw some clothes at Gareth, "Get dressed we got work to do." I told him before walking out and shutting the door.

I walked out of our building and people were running around, I grabbed someone.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked him.

"Andrew escaped, two are dead, one child is missing." He said quickly.

"Shit" I murmured, I ran back to Gareth.

He was getting dressed.

"Whats w-" He started, "Babe, Andy is out, two dead, some child missing." I interrupted.

"Fuck" He repeated my tone from earlier, he grabbed my hand and we rushed out to the main building. Alot of people were freaking out.

"Ugh" I sighed quietly in the loud room of terrified people. Gareth looked at me and closed his ears.

"EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP" I yelled to the top of my lungs, Gareth unplugged his ear and handed me some water, I took it gratefully and gulped it. 

Everyone calmed down and sat down.

"Tell me now, who's dead and who's the child captured." I asked rubbing my nose. 

One woman stood up, "A Jacob Daniels, and Jeff Wilson" She said. "Child missing?" I asked.

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